Information about Ubisoft and High Voltage Software’s canned Heroes game
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Ubisoft announced that it would publish a game based on the television series Heroes back in 2007. A year later, the project was cancelled. Unseen64 now shares details about the development process and why the plug was pulled.
The third-person action/adventure Heroes game was planned for Wii and other platforms, with High Voltage Software handling development. It appears that a new female character would be featured – as shown in the concept art above. Regarding the Wii version, Unseen64 states: “A version for Nintendo Wii was also outlined, but production on it was never started.”
High Voltage terminated the Heroes game after it was determined that the studio didn’t have enough resources to create versions for all platforms. Ubisoft ended up scrapping all plans pertaining to Heroes around October 2008. This was in part due to a drop in ratings for the TV show.