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Humble Games

Ring of Pain

Ring of Pain has been updated on Switch, introducing features and gameplay. It includes chooseable stat boosts, new items, and new achievements.

The full patch notes are as follows:


Wildfire, a stealth game where everything burns, has been given a new launch trailer. View the video below.

Wildfire is out now on Switch via the eShop.


Later this week, the stealth game Wildfire will release for Switch. Have a look at some early footage in the video below.

Wildfire is due out for Switch via the eShop on December 3.

Ring of Pain

A new 1.0.28 update was recently made available for Ring of Pain on Switch. It actually encompasses a bunch of patches previously made available on PC, starting with version 1.0.27.

Below are the full patch notes:


The 2D stealth game Wildfire is heading to Switch, publisher Humble Games and developer Sneaky Bastards announced today. A release is planned for December 3.

Here’s an overview of Wildfire, along with a trailer:

The adventure game Carto has landed on Switch, and we have a new trailer to celebrate. Get a look at the video below.

Carto is out now for Switch via the eShop.

Carto footage

Posted on 4 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments


The adventure game Carto arrives on Switch tomorrow, but some footage is available now. Check out the gameplay below.

Carto will be distributed digitally for Switch via the eShop.


Humble Games has released a launch trailer for Supraland, an open-world puzzle platformer. Get a look at the video below.

Supraland is out now for Switch via the eShop.


As previously reported, the 3D puzzle-platformer Supraland is heading to Switch this week. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

Supraland is due out for Switch via the eShop on October 22.


Carto, the world-shifting puzzle adventure game, is now up for pre-order on Switch. To celebrate, a new trailer has been released, which we have below.

Carto is due out for Switch on October 27 via the eShop.

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