Unravel Two dev wants the game on Switch, would require “a lot of work”, not giving up yet
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
One of the new games announced during EA Play yesterday was Unravel Two. It wasn’t just revealed though, as it actually launched as well.
Some felt that Unravel Two would be a great fit on Switch. Between the style of the game, co-op play, and the fact that its two characters represent Joy-Con colors, you could see why it would be a great yet. Unfortunately though, Unravel Two isn’t available on Switch – at least not yet anyway.
More: EA, Martin Sahlin, Unravel Two
Unravel director open to NX port
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 4 Comments
GamingBolt recently spoke with Coldwood Interactive’s Martin Sahlin, the director who worked on Unravel.
When asked if he’d be interested in bringing the game to NX, Sahlin said:
“I wish I knew more about it, but they’re really secretive about it. I actually had a really fun discussion with a person from Nintendo a while back. It was basically ‘I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours’ (laughs). So he wanted me to pitch something for the NX, and then he could tell me more about what it was. But basically, it’s kind of hard to pitch something when you don’t even know what it is! So if you manage to guess it right, we’ll tell you what it is. So, I don’t know. But I am just as curious as everybody else to see what they’ve been making.”
EA was actually the publisher behind Unravel. I imagine that if anything were to happen, they’d need to be involved as well.