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MotoGP 25

MotoGP 25 will be released on Nintendo Switch, Milestone announced today. We also have a release date of April 30, 2025.

MotoGP 25 is the latest entry in the racing and sports series. Milestone says that it will contain “all the riders and tracks of the 2025 season from the most exciting sport on earth, MotoGP, as well as Moto2 and Moto3.” Brno in Czechia and Balaton Park in Hungar are among the included tracks.

Further details can be found in the following overview:

Monster Jam Showdown gameplay

New gameplay is here from the Switch version of Monster Jam Showdown. The release comes from Milestone, the developer behind the Hot Wheels Unleashed series.

Additional information about the racer can be found int he following overview:

Monster Jam Showdown trailer

A final trailer was released today for Monster Jam Showdown. The racer came to various platforms today, including Switch.

A whole bunch of information about it is available in the following eShop description:

Monster Jam Showdown Tour campaign

Milestone shared more details about Monster Jam Showdown today, which cover the single-player campaign and career mode known as the Showdown Tour. We also have a new video.

Showdown Tour features over 130 events. It has a sandbox-like design where players can experience the events they prefer without a given order.

Here’s the full rundown on how it all works:

Monster Jam Showdown post-launch

Today, Milestone and Feld Motor Sports provided details on post-launch plans for Monster Jam Showdown. Players can look forward to even more content over the next eight months.

Everything is broken down concisely in the image above. Additionally, we have a further breakdown in the overview below.

Monster Jam Showdown off-road

Monster Jam Showdown is back with the latest trailer, this time focusing on the off-road races players can experience.

The mode will include three distinct biomes featuring the most extreme weather conditions found in America. Players can show off their wildest tricks in these off-road races.

Further information can be found in the following overview:

Monster Jam Showdown Freestyle mode, Showdown Tour

May 20: Milestone and Feld Motor Sports are back with an update on Monster Jam Showdown, which covers the Freestyle and Showdown Tour. A new trailer has come in as well.

Here’s the full rundown: 

MotoGP 24 gameplay

We now have gameplay for MotoGP 24 after it came out this week. The footage shows off the Switch version specifically in the half hour video.

More information about the title can be found in the following overview:

MotoGP 24

Milestone is promoting the launch of its latest racer, MotoGP 24, with a launch trailer. This one just came to Switch today.

As a reminder, here’s what to expect:

Monster Jam Showdown release date

Not long after its initial announcement, Milestone and Feld Motor Sports have now nailed down a release date for Monster Jam Showdown. Switch owners can get their hands on it starting August 29, 2024.

Monster Jam Showdown was first made known for Switch at the start of March. Milestone said at the game that the launch would be happening sometime this year.

Here’s the latest information about the game:

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