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Order Land

Yesterday, Poisoft brought Order Land! to the Japanese Switch eShop. It was originally a WiiWare title before being revamped for 3DS, and has now made the jump to Switch. Get a look at some footage in the live stream archive from Poisoft below.

Poisoft’s Order Land! has gone through a couple of iterations over the years. It started out as a WiiWare game before being revamped as a simulation / RPG 3DS title. Order Land! is back once again, now as a Switch release.

You can read our original report on the 3DS version here. There are added elements, like the ability to battle other players’ heroes online. Poisoft also seems to be thinking about supporting Order Land! after launch with a new scenario and mode.

Order Land! will be available on the Japanese Switch Shop in about 12 hours. Watch a trailer for the game below.

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