New Wargroove footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 1 Comment
A ton of footage from Wargroove was showcased during a Chucklefish live stream earlier today. We’ve attached the full recording below.
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Wargroove details archers, passive abilities, and reinforcements
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 3 Comments
Chucklefish published a new blog for Wargroove earlier today covering three different topics. We’re able to learn about archers, passive abilities, and reinforcements. The full details from Chucklefish’s new post can be found below.
Lately we have spent a considerable effort in balancing the game, and figuring out exactly how all the game mechanics need to work for a fun, interesting experience, while preventing the game from becoming too overwhelming. Today I’d like to talk about some of those.
First, we needed an early game ranged unit, to provide tactical coverage for your front line melee units. Units like trebuchets add a lot of tactical options to the game, but are quite expensive. To solve this, we introduced archers, which are infantry units that can shoot at range 3. One thing that makes them behave differently from trebuchets is that archers can move and attack on the same turn, whereas trebuchets can only do one of the two actions on each turn.
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Wargroove introduces biomes
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 1 Comment
Chucklefish posted a brief update for Wargroove on the official blog today. For the latest overview, we’re given a brief introduction to biomes.
Biomes allow for variety with the same type of map. Even though the layout is the same, the environments are unique. Chucklefish says that the team has “been thinking about what sort of gameplay implications biomes should have, and we’ll share details once we have something more concrete.”
Here’s a look at some biomes:
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Wargroove introduces commander Valder
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Wargroove, the turn-based strategy game planned for Switch, will let players choose from one of over twelve commanders from four warring factions. This week, we’re able to learn about another one of the commanders: Valder. Everything you need to know about Valder can be found from developer Chucklefish below.
In the bitterly cold mountains to the south there lies a nation of shambling corpses and assorted undead fiends. Travellers hope only to avoid meeting them on the open road, whilst would-be heroes and naive soldiers are eager to meet them in battle. They are the Felheim Legion, and they are governed by the necromancer Valder.
Control over the vast masses of the undead falls to whoever wields the Fell Gauntlet, and Valder secured it at a young age. A master in the necromantic arts, Valder even created the commander Ragna from the remains of countless skilled warriors, so that he can designate military matters to her. To him, the bloodthirsty hordes of skeleton soldiers are like his children, even if they tend to lack proper etiquette (and some brains).
If called to battle, Valder strikes using the powerful magic within the Fell Gauntlet to wipe out his opponents with a single hand.
He might not fear death, but his enemies would do well to fear him…
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Wargroove will have a campaign editor
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 5 Comments
Chucklefish unveiled a new feature of its turn-based strategy game Wargroove at the PC Gaming Show at E3 today. When the upcoming Switch game ships, it’ll come with functionality that lets players make their own campaigns, including custom levels. See the feature in action below.
You can learn more about Wargroove’s campaign editor in the official blog post here.
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Tons of new Wargroove footage
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos | 0 comments
Chucklefish showcased a ton of new footage from the Switch game Wargroove during a live stream today. We’ve posted the full recording below, which contains well over an hour of gameplay.
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
First look at Wargroove’s world map
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Chucklefish shared a short but sweet blog post for Wargroove today. Attached above, the studio showed a first look at the game’s world map. More information about the game is promised “soon.”
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Wargroove blog covers palette swapping
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 8 Comments
Chucklefish is back with a new blog post about Wargroove to provide fans with a status update. The team is focusing on palette swapping the various assets, which is necessary since more than one person can be playing with any given faction in multiplayer. Read up on the full blog here.
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Wargroove introduces Queen Mercia
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Chucklefish kicked off its series of development blogs with an introduction for Queen Mercia. Mercia is one of the game’s Commanders, who act as in-game avatars and units.
Here’s the full rundown:
“The Commanders are at the heart of Wargroove – a cast of exciting and energetic characters who each have their own distinct personalities and motivations. As well as acting as your avatars in-game, your Commanders will also be able to fight alongside your army as powerful units on the field. Be careful though, for if they fall, the battle is lost! Here’s a look at the first of our Commanders.
Queen Mercia is the young daughter of King Mercival II, the legendary and beloved ruler of the Cherrystone Kingdom. She is well-meaning, but inexperienced in the matters of diplomacy. Much more comfortable on the battlefield than on the throne, she hopes she can use her energetic and fearless spirit to rule the country she has now inherited, and gain the respect of those around her.
In battle, Mercia charges in with her mighty greatsword. It probably isn’t a great idea to underestimate her based on her friendly demeanour…”
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Wargroove fact sheet, trailer
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 13 Comments
Earlier today, Chucklefish announced Wargroove for the Switch eShop. We now have a fact sheet and the debut trailer for the game below.
WarGroove is a modern take on the simple yet deep turn-based tactical gameplay popularized in the 2000s by handheld games such as Advance Wars. As big fans of those games we were disappointed to find that nothing in this genre was available on current generation platforms and set out to fill the gap ourselves. WarGroove aims to recreate the charm and accessibility of the titles that inspired it whilst bringing modern technology into the formula. This modern focus allows for higher resolution pixel art, robust online play and deep modding capability, ultimately creating the most complete experience for Advance Wars and TBS fans.
Choose from one of 12+ groovy commanders from the 4 warring factions, unlocked as you progress through Story Mode
Each commander has a lengthy campaign of their own, exploring their motivations and personality
Local and online multiplayer skirmish mode with complete rule customization
Local and online competitive and co-op play
Easy to use in-game map and campaign editors
Beautiful high resolution pixel art battle scenes and charming aesthetic
Starbound’s Floran race reappears as a playable faction!
A number of new to the genre gameplay features TBA at a later date