Disco Elysium announces Collage Mode update
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
ZA/UM Studio today announced a new update for Disco Elysium, which adds a brand new Collage Mode. This will be rolling out on Switch “over the coming days”.
Collage Mode lets players create and set the scene in and around Martinaise. It provides full access to characters, environments, effects, and custom dialogue to make “the screenshots that they have always desired and fabricate completely new dramas from unforgivable punch-ups to fruity yet forbidden kisses.”
More: Disco Elysium, title update, ZA/UM
Disco Elysium “Jamais Vu” update out now on Switch (version 1.0.4), patch notes
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
ZA/UM has made a new “Jamais Vu update” available for Disco Elysium: The Director’s Cut on Switch – also known as version 1.0.4. It comes with extras, improvements, and fixes.
Below are the full patch notes:
More: Disco Elysium, title update, ZA/UM
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut launch trailer
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
ZA/UM has readied a new launch trailer for Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, its open world role playing game. The title arrives today on Switch.
For more on Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, read up on the following overview:
More: Disco Elysium, ZA/UM
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut Switch gameplay
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut is finally almost here on Switch, and we now have a good chunk of gameplay. This comes ahead of the title’s launch tomorrow.
For more on Disco Elysium: The Final Cut, check out the following overview:
More: Disco Elysium, ZA/UM
Acclaimed RPG Disco Elysium coming to Switch
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Disco Elysium, ZA/UM’S RPG that has earned acclaim from both critics and players alike, is on the way to Switch. The studio revealed plans for a port during BBC’s Game On podcast today.
When asked when Disco Elysium is coming to Switch, art director Aleksander Rostov mentioned that “this interview is, at this very moment, interrupting me from writing up design documentation for the user interface and input systems for the Switch port”. Lead narrative writer Helen Hindpere added: “I think… yeah, it’s gonna happen soon.”
For those that aren’t familiar with Disco Elysium, check out the following overview and trailer: