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Wargroove introduces new Commanders

Posted on March 1, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Did you know that it’s been a full year since the announcement of Wargroove? To celebrate, Chucklefish is sharing new information about the strategy game. New Commanders have been introduced on the official website.

Here’s the full rundown:

For those of you who are joining us for the first time, Commanders not only act as your avatar in Wargroove, but as a playable unit on the battlefield. They are very powerful, and each have a unique ability called a Groove that can change the course of a game. However, if they fall in battle then you lose the game. So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look!

Emeric is the Cherrystone Kingdom’s royal mage, and a close friend of the late King Mercival II. He now finds himself tasked with guiding the newly crowned Queen Mercia through her royal duties. A strong believer in the diplomatic process, his tutelage of the headstrong new queen can test his patience.

He may have thought his adventuring days were behind him, but Emeric is still a force to be reckoned with. He channels powerful magic through his set of cherrystones – you don’t want to be on the receiving end!

Sigrid is a High Vampire and one of the most powerful warriors in the vast wastes of Felheim. Don’t let her youthful looks fool you – she’s much older than she looks.

Whilst she may usually seem soft-spoken and quiet, she hides a feral persona that she unleashes in battle – delivering a flurry of vicious claw slashes into her enemies.

Koji is the son of the Empress Tenri and heir of the Heavensong Empire. A prodigy inventor, Koji spends much of his time in his workshop, tinkering and inventing things. His excitable and inquisitive nature often gets the better of him and lands him in trouble – mostly with his mother!

His most recent creation is a towering puppet swordsman, big enough to carry Koji on its back. It has an astonishing amount of mobility for a puppet, and is even able to attack with its huge katana.

The Greenfinger of every Floran tribe acts as a steward and leader – guiding and teaching the typically less civil Floran masses so that they may survive among other races. To help them shape Floran society, they are gifted with an innate control over plant-life itself. Kind and patient, Greenfinger Zawan has spent many years among the Floran people in their jungles, and hopes for their continued survival.

In battle, Greenfinger Zawan is able to instantly create a mighty steed of wood and leaves, using only the seed bag they keep with them at all times.

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