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WayForward gives Shantae: Half-Genie Hero status update, product features revealed

Posted on October 18, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

WayForward is extremely close to the finish line with Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. The studio remains in the testing phase, and is currently taking care of bugs on various platforms. A final date isn’t set, though WayForward will have more news to share once the game reaches the submission phase.

Other than that, WayForward also shared the lineup of product features for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. Here’s the news straight from the studio:

  • New Game Plus! We’ve added a bonus mode which will unlock when you clear the game for the first time! Speed runners and sequence breakers – this feature is for you. Expect some kind of treat for completing the game quickly!
  • Transformations! The game contains five chapters, two of which were stretch goals. As with all previous games, this means 1 transformation per chapter for a total of FIVE, right? NO! This time, Shantae will transform into a whopping 10 forms – 11 if you include the Tinkerbat Form. A few of these forms are very unusual… hmm.
  • Magical Attacks and Upgrades. We’ve added upgrades for many of the most popular Shantae powers from the past. Storm Puff, Bubble Shield, Pike Ball, and Fireball are back. But this time you can upgrade all of them through multiple stages, with some devastatingly powerful final forms. For example, you can upgrade Pikeball into the “SCIMITAR”, which will cut any foe down to size in seconds. There are other upgrades too, but we’ll let you find those for yourself!

  • GIGA WRENCH and Warp Dance! New to Half-Genie Hero is the Warp Dance. Get this dance, and you can zip around the stages within a given world with ease. To travel between worlds, you can catch a ride on Giga Wrench! Whenever you need a lift, blow Sky’s Bird-Whistle for a quick lift!

  • Expanded Art Gallery: As planned, the Scuttle Town Art Gallery will house the 50+ images created by Backers. Now we’ve expanded that feature to include additional artwork created by our concept artists, animators, and friends at Inti Creates. Look for over 100 pieces of original artwork to unlock! If you unlock all of the images, you might get a special reward from the Mayor.


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