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XSEED willing to consider physical release for future Senran Kagura games

Posted on March 17, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News

XSEED gave Senran Kagura Burst a digital release. Unlike Europe, no physical version was made available – it only launched as an eShop download.

But as far as the future goes, XSEED is willing to consider physical launches for Senran Kagura games. While “it’s too late for us to go back and redo Burst”, XSEED explained, a physical release for other titles “wouldn’t be out of the question”. XSEED specifically pointed to the PS Vita project Shinovi Versus, but hopefully Senran Kagura 2 would be considered as well.

XSEED’s message in full:

“A physical release wouldn’t be out of the question for SV if we did it, but unfortunately it’s too late for us to go back and redo Burst.

For all the people that supported Burst with an eShop purchase, we really appreciate it.

The “no package no buy” reasoning really doesn’t work because in this case the eShop release could be considered almost a “proof of concept” where we prove to the retailers (and ourselves) that there’s a market for this series, which in turn gives us much more clout when trying to convince retailers to stock a physical release in the future because we have hard eShop sales numbers to prove it can sell.”

Source, Via

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