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Ace Attorney 6 details and screenshots – story beginning, Potdino, Mitamaru

Posted on March 9, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots

Capcom published another round of Ace Attorney 6 details and screenshots today. We have content for how the story begins, new character Potdino, and the puppy Mitamaru. You’ll find everything rounded up below, courtesy of Gematsu.

What happens when Phoenix Wright first visits the Kurain Kingdom?

– To meet up with the Maya Fey, who is in training, Phoenix Wright visits the Kurain Kingdom
– Goes sightseeing in the streets of Kurain with tour guide Bokuto Tsuani while waiting for Maya to finish
– As this happens, the Kurain Kingdom’s prized treasure, the “Jewel of the Founder,” is stolen
– Its guard is murdered as well
– There’s testimony from chief priest Potdino who is said to have witnessed the incident
– Bokuto is arrested on charges of theft and murder by means of the “”Oracle of the Spirit” who projects what the victim saw just before his death

What the heck is the “Crime of Defense?”

– The courtroom of the Kurain Kingdom is a spiritual medium trial absent of lawyers
– There is no room for the accused to explain their case—they’ll be “guilty”
– Phoenix Wright believes in Bokuto’s innocence
– He volunteers to defend Bokuto to prevent that from happening
– As soon as Phoenix distinguishes himself as a lawyer, his attitude completely changes
– He despises Phoenix and will not speak the truth
– If he continues his defense, he’ll be accused of a the “Crime of Defense”

Potdino Niwackus: Temple Chief Priest and Musician

– Devout follower of the Kurain faith
– Chief priest of the Jiin Temple
– Calls his “damaran,” an instrument of the Kurain people, his partner, and performs the musical accompaniment to Leifa’s Dedication Dances
– Fascinates the audience listening to the trial and even the presiding judge as he sings the music of his people while testifying
– He says he saw the scene where Bokuto killed the victim, but…

Mitamaru: Bokuto’s Faithful Pup

– Puppy raised by Bokut
– Normally completely inside Bokuto’s bag
– But when Bokuto is in a pinch, it gallantly leaps out and barks at the Bokuto’s opponent
– Adorable and faithful
– Prideful Tibetan Mastiff
– May play a surprisingly big role


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