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psyscrolr getting DLC after launch

Posted on March 31, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Quite a few indie titles receive continued support after their initial release. That will be no different with psyscrolr, with developer Actos Games confirming that DLC is planned after launch. By doing so, Actos hopes to keep players interested with their title.

CEO Jonathan Meyer stated in an announcement yesterday:

“We feel the story of psyscrolr serves itself better updated over time. A more episodic feel invites players to want to come back to the world, continue their save, and find more. An example are the letters strewn throughout certain levels of the game. There are more secrets we plan to add in a further update, as well as hidden mini-games added to the game to enhance replayability with leaderboards and Miiverse features planned.”

psyscrolr is hitting the North American Wii U eShop this Thursday.

Source: Actos Games PR

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