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Xenoblade Chronicles X Battle Presentation live stream, blog

Posted on March 6, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Update: Now over! You can find all of the translations after the break.

Today’s presentation will kick off at 8 AM ET / 5 AM PT. It should last about 29 minutes.

We’ll be posting updates throughout the presentation. Translations will be added below!

– Last time, we introduced Planet Mira. This time, we’ll explain the battle system. Tatsu can’t battle, so has to stay at home.
– You’d be in trouble without Tatsu. Need info? Ask him. You won’t get any info without him. He’ll keep things going smoothly.
– Now introducing beasts near NLA (New Los Angeles). Switch between sword and gun for simple attacks, activated by auto attack.
– More advanced techniques are called arts. They’re categorized into fighting, shooting, support, and weakening arts.
– Be careful when using arts: you have to wait a certain amount of time before you’re allowed to recast the same art.
– It’s important to balance usage of auto attack and arts. Soul Voice lets you communicate with your party to use specified arts.
– Soul Voice settings let you plan out strategies in advance of battle. The characters will use the ones you select
– Combos increase damage. Learn arts to generate combos. Doing a combo will let you deal 1.5x damage. Hit from behind.
– Shooting from above or below will increase your accuracy. You can target parts of an enemy to break defenses piece by piece.
– Double recast, waiting for the recast meter to refill a second time after becoming available again, will boost arts strength.
– You can bring your fallen party members back by resuscitating them. You can use auto attack while waiting for double recast.
– Overclock Gear reduces recast waiting times. Using the same arts consecutively ups damage. Triple recast is stronger still.
– Enemy Icons display their level, other info. An eye indicates visual search. A bolt means seismic sensitivity (tread lightly).
– Enemies with a circle around the eye icon hunt in packs, and will call others when they see you.
– Equipment. Weapons come in melee and shooting varieties. Armor: helmets, body armor, left arm, right arm, and leg armor.
– As you use weapons and armor, the supplying company will develop new equipment products for you.
– Equipment slots allow you to customize your weapons and armor with stat-modifying items.
– Leveling up. Gain experience not just from battle, but by finding treasure, etc. Unlocked the arts in your class to open more.
– Choose which class and set of arts to unlock and change to.
– You can form teams of 4 characters. Here’s Ilina. Guin has youthful strength. Doug uses heavy equipment, and is kind.
– This is Lao. Many characters will surprise you with what they bring to battles.
– How are you supposed to fight this big robot? Use your battle skills to win. There’s another weapon at your disposal: dolls.
– Next presentation will be about Dolls


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