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LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham details

Posted on May 27, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

New details have come in for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. You can find a roundup of the latest information below.

– Action taken to space
– Includes Resogun-like shooting sections
– Press demo takes place just after the start of the game
– Joker and Lex coordinate an attack on the Justice League’s Watch Tower
– New cast includes Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, the Flash
– Main enemy of the game is Brainiac
– Most of the story is set in space
– Will visit DC locations outside of Earth
– Demo starts in the Bat Cave with Batman
– Batman and The Boy Wonder assemble the parts they need to build their space ship
– Can switch between suits at will
– Only limit is that there’s a fuel mechanic to certain outfits
– Ex: Robin’s Illumination Suit needs batteries, Batman’s Jet Suit needs fuel to get around
– Illumination Suit lets you explore dark places
– Cyborg has a mecha-style Giant Suit, a Demolition Suit and a ‘Stealth’ Suit
– Take on flying Joker teeth and other attackers in shooter sections
– Press demo has you playing a shooting section around the Watch Tower
– Action rotates around it
– Collect green power ups for extras such as smart bombs, lasers, shields

“We wanted to do things like this, because that kind of 2D arcade shooter feels like it’s perfect for space combat and we get to have loads of Lego bricks flying around and blowing up.”

“Wanted to push the story and show new locations, show new worlds that people haven’t been to before and refine what we can do in the game. I’m a little bit restricted about what we can say. I know we’ve got some fantastic things we’re really excited about showing but with this being the first announcement we’re not revealing it all. In particular the voice acting: there’s some really cool stuff we’re putting in place for that.”


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