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Kate Higgins on singing Mario Odyssey’s “Jump Up, Super Star!” and playing Pauline

Posted on October 27, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch

In the English version of Super Mario Odyssey, Kate Higgins plays the role of Pauline and is behind the “Jump Up, Super Star!” song. Higgins has been involved with many anime including Naruto, plus a bunch of different games like Fire Emblem Awakening, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Sonic.

With Higgins’ important role made known, Game Informer caught up with her for some interview questions. Higgins spoke with the publication about recording for Nintendo’s new song and voicing Pauline in Super Mario Odyssey.

Read what Higgins shared on these topics below. Game Informer has the full interview here.

On how the role of singing the song came about…

Well, I was asked by my friends at Cup of Tea studio, who were doing all the voice recording, if I was interested in singing a song for a Nintendo video game. They recommended me to the client in Japan, so Japan had me audition basically by sending them some samples of my voice. I don’t know if other women were in the running or not, but fortunately they liked what i sent them so they said, “Yes! Let’s do it!”

I can’t remember when I learned the song was for Super Mario Odyssey. It may have been a few days before the actual recording session.

On whether she plays Pauline in the actual game…

Yes I do! Apparently it’s a pretty big deal because she’s never spoken before. It’s really an honor, and exciting to give her a voice.

On whether she plays Pauline in the live-action commercial…

No! And I’m bummed. I didn’t know there was going to be a commercial like that. They never tell you these things [laughs]. If I’d known, I would’ve found a way to get that part!

On the recording process…

They had a Japanese singer do a demo version, which they sent to me several weeks before the recording session. Plus, they had a lead sheet. That’s the music written out. I read music and really appreciate lead sheets, especially in this case as this song was not simple.

So yes, I sang to the instrumental tracks which were already produced.

On whether anyone from Nintendo was present…

Yes, some folks from Nintendo were there, as well as the big guys in Japan via Skype. They were so nice and thankful and made sure to tell me I was about to record something big that would make millions of people happy. And it seems like it is! Of course, I don’t take all the credit for that. It’s such a good song. I really give props to the writers and producers.

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