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Daemon X Machina producer on the game’s visual style, soundtrack extends to the sound effects

Posted on June 19, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Daemon X Machina, a new Switch game unveiled during last week’s Nintendo Direct, might be one of the most visually striking titles we’ve seen on the system as of late. According to producer Kenichiro Tsukuda, the style was chosen to help make the title stand out.

Tsukuda told Polygon:

“Games these days have a lot of the same color palette, and I just personally wasn’t very happy with it. The colors that you see are chosen specifically for each of the orders and missions that you go on, based on how we want you to feel when you’re playing.”

Daemon X Machina isn’t just unique for its visuals. Tsukuda said that the metal soundtrack extends into the sound effects.

“Shooting a gun sounds like a drum and there’s a laser blade that actually uses the sound of a guitar. So when you’re playing with a group of Arsenals, I was hoping to create a game that kind of felt like you were like having a jam session.”


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