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Nintendo Everything Refresh Ep. 05 – Xenoblade and Splatoon 3 release dates; Nintendo contractors speak out; Joy-Con repair center overwhelmed, and more

Posted on April 26, 2022 by in Podcast

With delays being so common in the modern gaming landscape, it’s extremely rare to see the opposite – a game being released earlier than expected – occur. Against all odds, that’s exactly what happened last week when Nintendo announced it will release Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on July 29, significantly sooner than its initial release window of September 2022. On top of that, not only was Splatoon 3 was announced to be releasing on September 9, but several news reports were released that granted a rare glimpse inside Nintendo of America’s operations – and unfortunately, bringing to light some of the challenges that the company is facing regarding contractors and Joy-Con repairs. Join your hosts Nick, Nicholas, Dennis and Luiz as they discuss all this and more in this week’s episode of Nintendo Everything Refresh!

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You can also follow us on Twitter at @ndserpa (Nick Serpa), @Dayshade1999 (Nicolas Shadday), @LyonHart_ (Dennis Gagliardotto), and @Luizestrella_ (Luiz Estrella). Thanks for listening!

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