[Let’s Talk] Name a random game on a Nintendo platform
The other day, I was thinking about Spyborgs. The first question some of you may have is: what the heck is that? And some of you might be wondering why.
I can’t tell you why I was thinking about Spyborgs, as it randomly popped into my head. But as for what it is, Capcom originally released it exclusively on Wii in 2009. Bionic Games made the game and would end up shutting down not too long after.
Back during the Wii era, before Spyborgs launched, it was a bit of a big deal within the Nintendo community. The console wasn’t exactly getting a ton of hardcore titles, and especially with Capcom publishing, the game was receiving a good amount of attention. The whole thing kind of turned out strangely – the project ended up going through a shift, moving away from a cartoony look and towards a more mature style. Ultimately that didn’t matter as the game came out to not much fanfare.
Especially in the Nintendo sphere, games like Mario, Zelda, and Metroid come to mind. But have you recently been thinking about a random game, one that hasn’t ever really been in the spotlight? Let us know in the comments.
Highlights from last week’s topic: How big is your Nintendo Switch games collection?
Following the Wii U’s 200ish physical games, i had originally planned to buy every switch game that came out physically, so i could have a complete collection of at least one system. Now here i am with several hundred games, nowhere close to all of them, no hope of ever having enough time to play most of them, and running out of room to store them. I never expected the switch to have this many games. I think at this point my switch library is equal, if not larger, in size than all my other collections combined.
I tend to get rid of games that have good value on the market and keep the collection tidy. Have 64 physical games right now and that is where I try to keep it pretty much.
I dont count digital games really. Have plenty of those, most not even installed.
1896 in total!
381 physical – Great to collect for, so many imports and/or small print physicals to find. This leads to a cool situation where no two (good) Switch cart collections will be anything alike (besides the first-party games, which most of us buy LOL).
1515 digital – I’m a physical-first guy, but Switch is where my kids and I played most indies the last 8 years. Big swaths of this digital collection are:
– big portions of a catalog of QUByte or Ratalaika when the games are on sale for $2. I’ve had fun with these!
– 212 Hamster releases, all 41 EGGConsole releases, other retro series like that
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Honestyle pretty decently sized. Though I stopped opening them up after a while and just started emulating the games I bought on my steam deck.
I really only buy console games for the physical editions these days. Love complete editions.
Close to 350 physical games, maybe a couple dozen digital games that never got physical releases. In the age of digital and how we are told digital games we don’t own and just license them I focused on getting as many physical games as I could. I had no idea it would get this high my collection lol.