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Are these renders from Eternal Darkness 2?

Posted on December 17, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, Podcast Stories, Rumors

NeoGAF member “Mama Robotnik” has written up a brilliant feature on Silicon Knights. The post goes well into detail regarding the studio’s early times, debacles, and cancelled projects.

Much has been said about Silicon Knight’s Eternal Darkness 2 (perhaps one of the studio’s most-anticipated yet not-officially-announced projects), but we’ve never seen any assets from the game. Screenshots have never popped up online, nor have concept arts of any kind.

Thanks to some findings by Mama Robotnik, we may finally have some renders/art from Eternal Darkness 2. A former Silicon Knights 3D character artist included the images below in a couple of folders that could very well be from the game.


Picture 9 of 14

The purple creature in particular was probably created for Eternal Darkness 2 based on the fact that Mantorok was the only surviving ancient. The other ancients were able to create red/blue/green undead monsters, so Mantorok would have likely made his own purple soldiers in the sequel.


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