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Tales of the Abyss 3DS is finally out in Japan. It won’t set the world on fire since it’s a pretty basic port, though it’s a good addition to the lineup of games available for the system. Plus, both North American and European fans will be able to play it.

Although Heroes of Ruin was fully playable at E3, n-Space and Square Enix have yet to publish a single second of footage. I found that to be rather odd, since I thought that we’d at least see a full-blown trailer before the trade shown ended. Fortunately, those who are interested in the game won’t have to wait much longer to see some in-game action.

According to Square Enix’s Mike Oldman, a trailer is on the way. Oldman told fans on the site’s official forums that “We’re working on a trailer right now. Expect to see some gameplay very soon guys.” He also added on Twitter earlier today, “So I watched a cut of our gameplay trailer for #HeroesOfRuin today. Not long to wait now guys. It’s looking pretty sweeeet.”

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The situation with the inability to remove saved data in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D has kind of gotten out of control. Initially, GameStop had no intention of letting consumers trade in their games before reversing their decision yesterday. GameFly won’t let users rent the game while HVM outlets in the UK will be denying all trade-in requests.

Clearly this has become a significant issue. As a result, Capcom has responded to the controversy that has essentially escalated in just 24 hours. Here’s what they had to say…

Hi everyone. I know there are a lot of questions about the save data for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, and we’ll try to answer as best as we can.

First, here’s the official statement:

‘In Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, all mission progress is saved directly to the Nintendo 3DS cartridge, where it cannot be reset. The nature of the game invites high levels of replayability, encouraging fans to improve mission scores. The save mechanic ensures that both original and unlocked game content will be available to all users. Secondhand game sales were not a factor in this development decision, and we hope that all our consumers will be able to enjoy the entirety of the survival-action experiences that the game does offer. ‘

Second, here’s the gist:

Flipper 2 debut trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, Videos | 0 comments

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