List of 3DS games
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 5 Comments
– Tons of third-party games in development
– Nintendogs + Cats
– Level-5, Square Enix on board
– Kingdom Hearts
– Resident Evil
– Metal Gear Solid
– DJ Hero
– Professor Layton
– Saints Row
– Street Fighter IV
– Assassin’s Creed
– Splinter Cell
First 3DS game from Nintendo announced – Kid Icarus
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
As expected, Nintendo has shared the news about its first game for the 3DS. It is being by Project Sora. Well-known developer Masahiro Sakurai is in charge of the project. The final name is called Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Nintendo unveils 3DS at press conference
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Following an initial, albeit vague announcement in late March, Nintendo is finally pulling back the curtain on the successor to the DS.
– Widescreen
– Bottom screen is touch screen
– Searches for Wi-Fi/3DS systems even when sleeping
– Can carry out Wi-Fi functions
– No monthly fee
Rumor: Level-5 to fully unveil Time Travelers at E3
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 5 Comments
In April, Professor Layton developer Level-5 announced their latest project in Famitsu called Time Travelers. The company only decided to share only a few select details about the game as well as a piece of art.
However, based on a comment posted on Jiro Ishii’s Twitter account, it seems likely that the title will receive a full unveiling at E3. Ishii, the game’s director, said that his preparations are complete and that it’s been ten years since he last visited Los Angeles. Time Travelers may very well be in development for the 3DS, as Level-5 CEO previously stated that it would be coming to “hardware that’s not yet in this world.”
3DS mock-up image, unconfirmed details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Reviews | 9 Comments
The image above is based on a drawing created by a Chinese blogger who says he has a 3DS development kit. There are also a number of unconfirmed details about the system, which we’ve posted below.
– 3D camera
– Differently-designed screens
– The blogger says “the effect of the [3D] screen is amazing.”
– MP3/AAC hardware decode function
– Media player
– Will have a second, proprietary medium for 3DS games
– 3DS titles will fit on a card similar in size to a Compact Flash card
– May be able to put in 3DS and DS games in the same slot
– Might not have an analog stick
– Possible tilt sensor/accelerometer
– Might be as powerful as the Wii
Original drawing from the Chinese blogger below:
You know, I really can’t wait until the 3DS is shown on Tuesday. All of the speculation and mock-ups are driving me crazy!
Rumor: Animal Crossing to be one of the first 3DS titles
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 6 Comments
Destructoid is reporting that Nintendo will be launching a brand new Animal Crossing title alongside their upcoming handheld, the 3DS. A demo has allegedly been shown to developers and publishers, with an announcement prepared for next Tuesday. Naturally, Nintendo only provided a brief comment, explaining that the company “does not comment on rumors or speculation.” We’ll find out if there’s any truth to this rumor next week at E3.
Analyst: Wii 2 in 2011, 3DS garnering third-party support, Wii/DS enhancements at E3
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments
“We note that Nintendo is widely expected to deliver a Wii refresh in 2011, well before Sony and Microsoft come to market with new platforms, although this is unlikely to represent the launch of a new generation. Instead, we expect Microsoft and Sony to leverage their growing online content and services platforms, along with new motion sensing controllers, and to a lesser extent 3D and Internet-enabled televisions, as three pillars for growth over the coming 2-3 years.” – Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian
“3DS could emerge as an E3 winner. Our conversations with industry contacts suggest the Nintendo 3DS is an impressive device, and is garnering support among third party developers.” – Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian
“We also expect Nintendo to announce enhancements to the online capabilities of the Wii and DS. While another price reduction on the Wii is unlikely at E3 this year, we believe it remains a possibility before the end of the year depending on unit sell-through trends.” – Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian
The most important piece of information out of these comments is the 3DS third-party support. It’s critical for the system to be supported by developers other than Nintendo right out of the gate. Hopefully we’ll hear about a bunch of third-party announcements next week.
EA: The 3DS is “cool”
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
“I will tell you, I’ve seen it; it’s cool…they’ve [Nintendo] got a lot to say at E3, and I want to be careful to not accidentally transgress an NDA.” – EA Chief Executive John Riccitiello
This must mean EA is one of the few developers that have had fairly extensive time to try out the 3DS. Believe it or not, EA released the most games for the DS when the system launched in North America. I wonder if the same thing will happen with the 3DS.
Rumor: Nintendo allowing third-parties to reveal 3DS software once E3 begins
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 1 Comment
It has been said for quite some time that Nintendo will be unveiling their next handheld, the 3DS, along with the system’s first round of software at E3 next week. Obviously the Big N has some titles in development, but what about third-parties? Well, according to Game Informer, other companies have been told that they can announce their projects once E3 begins.
The thing is, Nintendo’s conference will be taking place next Tuesday even though the trade show officially begins one day prior. So will third-parties reveal their games on Monday? Or will they wait until Nintendo’s conference is over?
Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary (E3 and 3DS talk)
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments
– Nintendo’s conference is Tuesday at 9 AM Pacific
– They will be number two, Microsoft is on Monday
– Guesses that this conference will be more hardcore-focused
– Craig thinks the 3DS name won’t change
– The cool games we want to see might just be put into a montage like last year
– Craig’s theory about the Vitality Sensor was that Nintendo needed to fill a gap to show they were working on something
– Epic Mickey will probably be at E3, Craig has it scheduled in his second day at E3