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General Nintendo

Remember the Blur commercial Activision put out a few weeks ago? You know, the one that was poking fun at Mario Kart. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime was asked about it on the latest GameTrailers TV. Based on what he said, it doesn’t seem like he was too impressed.

“You know, God bless the folks at Activiison. They have a sense of humor. I do not…They are doing GoldenEye for us. You know what? Bobby and the team at Activision are fantastic partners, but no I don’t like my kids being picked at. I don’t think any proud parent would like their kids being picked at.”

Maybe this is just me, but I think people are making too big a deal out of this. Nintendo is probably just messing around with Mother fans!

Had enough of Miyamoto yet? I hope not! IGN has conducted a massive interview with him, which you can check out below.

Miyamoto on the Vitality Sensor’s absence…

“It’s actually progressing quite well. We could have shown it here at E3 if we wanted to, but the environment here isn’t really suited to that game. E3 is pretty exciting, and that’s a device that’s all about relaxation. So it’s just wasn’t the best time or place to show that game. But it is ready, so we’ll probably find another place that’s more suitable to announce it. But I’m not directly involved in that project.”

We posted a snippet of this interview in a previous post, but you can watch the complete video below!


“If there will be a Kingdom Hearts 3 in the future, it will probably be on a console platform, but the thing is that there is the idea and desire to create Kingdom Hearts 3, but the opportunity has not come yet. I’m under pressure from fans, from Disney, and from the internal Square Enix team as well, because they’re all awaiting Kingdom Hearts 3. So I’m aware of it, and I don’t hide my desire for one day creating a Kingdom Hearts 3 in the future.” – Tetsuya Nomura

I don’t even know how Square Enix has time to work on all of these Kingdom Hearts titles! 358/2 Days was released in North America a few months ago as did Birth by Sleep in Japan (and it’s coming here in a few months with added content), and now Nomura is busy with Re:coded and 3D. Perhaps after those two titles are complete, Nomura can concentrate on Kingdom Hearts 3.


Shigeru Miyamoto, along with his translator Bill Trinen, decided to check out Kinect at E3. What did they think of the competition? Well, a picture taken of the two at E3 says a lot…

Miyamoto and Trinen are on the far left. Can’t see them well? Let’s zoom in a bit.

It’s actually funny how unamused both of them look. In fact, Mr. Trinen looks even more underwhelmed than Miyamoto! Then again, it’s probably just that the picture was taken at the most inopportune time…Ah, well, let’s zoom in once more on Miyamoto for good measure.

Thanks to L.P. for the tip!


Computer and Video Game Industry Takes Center Stage at 2010 E3 Expo
ESA Announces 2011 E3 Expo Dates

Los Angeles, CA – June 17, 2010 – The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) today closed the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3 Expo) and announced that the 2011 E3 Expo will take place from June 7-9, 2011 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The 2010 E3 Expo featured approximately 300 exhibitors and 45,600 attendees from 90 countries.

“E3 Expo is the global stage for the interactive entertainment industry, and the 2010 show was reflective of our innovation, growth and vitality,” said Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO of the ESA, the trade association that represents U.S. computer and video game publishers and owns the E3 Expo. “We are thrilled by the positive news generated by this year’s show, and we are looking forward to building on this great momentum for 2011.”

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