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General Nintendo

– Development started when Nintendo provided details about the 3DS for Square Enix
– Tetsuya Nomura had a general framework for gameplay systems as well as a story that he thought would match the 3DS’ visuals
– Kingdom Hearts 3D not the final name but it will somehow involve the final name (3D not for 3 Dimension, but it is an abbreviation for the subtitle)
– Story is unexpected, atypical based on the happenings that have taken place in the series and what fans have expected
– Story hints in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
– Team is thinking of three new gameplay systems
– Again, developed by the Square Enix Osaka (Birth by Sleep) team
– Kingdom Hearts 3D demo was made very quickly

“This is because it’s not a remake, but a completely original game. This time, Sora and Riku are the two main characters. We’re currently in the process of selecting new worlds. ‘KH3D’ will be a title that enters a new step to follow the three games whose production was announced simultaneously, ‘358/2 Days, Birth by Sleep, and Coded.” – Tetsuya Nomura

“It’s like one game has been added. My purpose in coming to E3 wasn’t just for the announcement but for a meeting as well. I’m scheduled to come to next year’s E3 too. There are still surprise titles, but first enjoy Re: Coded, whose release date we’re set to announce shortly.” – Tetsuya Nomura


“I could beat the Microsoft drum the whole time, or mention Deus Ex, I’m a big fan of that and it’s a genre that’s wide open. I dusted off my Wii for Mario Galaxy 2 and I’m hoping to keep the dust off it. But I think Nintendo’s back. Nintendo’s had an affair with everybody’s mom. They’ve come back to marriage of the Mario and Kirby and the Goldeneye fans, and for me that’s good to see because I dusted off my Wii for Mario Galaxy 2 and I’m hoping to keep the dust off it.”

Perhaps this is just me, but I don’t think Nintendo left in the first place! I never understand gamers who say they have to dust off their Wii…There have been so many titles that I’ve been interested in that I’ve had to be selective about which games I purchase.


??? Nintendo
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??2010-032014 ?????????????????????????????
??2010-033155 ????????’?????????
??2010-033156 ???????’???????

??2010-031027 ????
??2010-031598 ???????’???????????????
??2010-033375 ?????????????
??2010-034278 ????????

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??2010-032414 ???????????????????????????

??2010-030467 ???????????

??2010-031211 ??????????????????? (?? ?? \ touch touch travel)
??2010-031352 §?????????????????????????????????????
??2010-031353 ????????

??2010-032144 §???????????
??2010-032536 ???????????
??2010-032537 ???????
??2010-033656 ???????????????


Disney really seems to be publicizing Epic Mickey!


This information comes from Capcom’s European senior director of marketing Michael Pattison…

“Capcom is very proud of its multi-million selling established franchises such as Resident Evil, Street Fighter and Monster Hunter. But we’ve also got some other franchises in our locker which we’re going to re-establish on the global stage in the near future. We’re not going to rest on our laurels and even with established franchises we’re going to try new things. We have quite a few surprises up our sleeves as we look to bring back some much-loved brands, create new ones and innovate with our existing line-up. I believe our fans will be happy with what we’re planning.”

Capcom recently stated that they have a few surprises up their sleeves for E3. Because of that, the chances are high that we’ll see one of the games that Pattison was referring to. The question is, will any of these classic franchises land on the Wii or DS? Or even the 3DS?

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


“I think it is because Japanese RPGs were really never all that popular in the west to begin with. I think the best way of interpreting things is that they aren’t getting less popular; they weren’t very popular from the start.” – Shinji Mikami

Personally, it seems like there has always been a good chunk of gaming fans who’ve always enjoyed playing Japanese games in that genre. And I know of at least one RPG franchise that has been pretty popular for as long as I can remember…Final Fantasy!

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


– Deal with NBC Universal
– First title is a full “season”
– Should be about 4-6 episodes based on previous Telltale Games projects
– First episode releasing later this year
– No platforms announced

“For Jurassic Park, we will leverage Telltale’s expertise in storytelling and game design to deliver on the tension and drama of the series creating the ultimate cinematic adventure.” – Telltale CEO Dan Connors described the project


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