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General Nintendo


What is The Last Story, you ask? We actually don’t know, and probably won’t know, until Nintendo makes some sort of announcement. Interestingly, practically all trademarks registered by Nintendo in Japan are almost always in Japanese. However, Glory of Hercules was one of the few instances in which the trademark was registered in English. Perhaps Nintendo will be looking to release The Last Story internationally, similar to Glory of Hercules.



Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Image Epoech, the developers behind titles such as Arc Rise Fantasia and 7th Dragon, will have their newest title revealed in next week’s Famitsu. While the company has mostly worked on Nintendo platforms, they did say awhile back that they have an unannounced PSP project in development. Of course, we won’t know if this is the game Famitsu will show off until the news is leaked in a few days. We will, however, provide further updates if this happens to be Nintendo related.

Source 1, Source 2

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

“Yes, probably in the next few months…I think there’ll be some combination of things. I think we’ll be sticking with some of the franchises we’ve worked with, and we’ll be announcing some new franchises, probably in some new genres as well, not just comedy.” – head honcho Dan Connors

Telltale Games has, without a doubt, been most known for their comedic point-and-click adventures. Is there any genre in particular you guys would like to see them tackle?


Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Nintendo’s Denise Kaigler on a DSi Virtual Console…

“I’m glad that your readers are so enthusiastic about the potential for Nintendo DSi. That’s one of the things that’s so great about the system: It fires up the imaginations of developers and users alike to come up with creative new features and content. Unfortunately, a portable Virtual Console isn’t something that we have plans for right now. It’s an intriguing idea, but I have to give you a straight answer, even if it isn’t the one you necessarily want to hear.”

Denise Kaigler on Club Nintendo…

“Well, we can’t announce new specific items until all the details have been locked down. Sometimes that’s frustrating to us as well, since we want to get the news to Nintendo fans as soon as we know about it.

…Because you asked, I wouldn’t dare let this Nintendo Minute expire without leaving you with one, albeit small, piece of insider information about Club Nintendo. Keep your eyes on the Club Nintendo Web site in September. That’s when we will offer members some exclusive Nintendo artwork. For the reason I mentioned earlier, I can’t say any more than that right now – it’s a secret to everybody. I’m really sorry. Hopefully some of you will enjoy it. Others may choose to hang on to the Coins and wait for a different reward. I love surprises. I hope you do as well.”

Would it be too much to ask for more Zelda Wii artwork? That’d probably be too good to be true, wouldn’t it?


Gamers looking for a partial taste of the next Kingdom Hearts game will have to play through Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, which should be hitting Japan sometime this winter. In an interview with Famitsu, Kingdom Hearts creator Tetsuya Nomura stated that Birth by Sleep possesses a secret video that will provide some insight for the next game. This may remind players of Kingdom Hearts I and II, as they both had their own mystery endings. Unfortunately, Nomura wouldn’t budge when asked if he was referring to Kingdom Hearts III.

Famitsu: Do you think people will want to replay the first title after clearing this one?

Nomura: Hmmm, I think there are a lot of puzzling elements, so maybe they’ll want to play the next game…And there’ll be a secret movie too.

Famitsu: The next game!? Do you mean “III”!?

Nomura: The next game will be the next game (laughs)

Thanks to Poke3 for the news tip!

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

This information comes from the Capcom-Unity forums…

“…we don’t have an “official” mascot. We have a logo, that’s it.

As far as unofficial mascots go, however, yes, MM would definitely be that. I have actually heard someone discuss this, and I think the reasoning was something akin to Mega Man best embodying the spirit of the company.

So apparently in addition to making great games, Capcom is also here to save the planet from overthrow by evil robot masters (and according to recorded history so far, I’d say we’re doing pretty well–2009 and still no overthrows). ” – Capcom’s Senior Manager of Community, Seth Killian

For me, when I think of Capcom, one of the first characters that comes to mind is Mega Man…Other than Amaterasu! All jokes aside, I really think that he is a great character to represent the company. What do you guys think?

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