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General Nintendo

After Nintendo’s incredibly disappointing E3 2008 conference, the company rebounded somewhat in 2009.

Thankfully, Cammie Dunaway said nothing about smiling or breaking her wrist snowboarding. This was, mostly, all about the games.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii started things off. An on-stage demo was held so that the game could be demonstrated for the first time.

Nintendo followed with Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus.

Time was also taken to highlight RPGs for the Wii and DS – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story localization, and one brand new title: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.

Nintendo closed out its conference with three big reveals: the Wii Vitality Sensor (which never made it to market), Super Mario Galaxy 2, and the surprising Metroid: Other M.

Overall, not bad at all considering how horrendous E3 2009 was!

Mighty Switch Force! 2 is just a few days away from launching on the 3DS eShop. But WayForward isn’t stopping the series with this new release – creative director Matt Bozon has confirmed that the next Mighty game is already in the pipeline.

Bozon told Nintendo Life that the team is “in the early stages of the next Mighty game now, which will not be a sequel.” WayForward is also mulling over a possible title with Patricia Wagon.

Bozon said:

“We’re in the early stages of the next Mighty game now, which will not be a sequel. We’re also considering another Patricia Wagon game too. I could see her moving in the direction of a high-octane action game. I’m wondering what players think about that?”


For the past couple of years, the gaming community has taken interest in… Nintendo boxes that have been sent to the E3 convention center. E3 preparation are well underway, and they have been detected for a third year. You can find a few photos of the boxes and E3 site in the gallery above.


Update: Here’s a photo…


Nintendo did something rather neat with the first Animal Crossing. Copies came with a number of classic NES titles that could be played directly in-game.

We haven’t seen something like that with future entries. And as far as series creator Katsuya Eguchi is concerned, this isn’t something that will be returning.

Eguchi told Kotaku:

“Please consider it’s not happening ever again. At the time, we didn’t have a Virtual Console system. We thought that playing games inside of a game is kind of funny, and we wanted to do it. But now there’s a Virtual Console where you can play classic games, so we don’t think we will be doing that in future titles.”

Kotaku later asked if he would consider letting people play the old Animal Crossing in the new Animal Crossing games. His response? “That might be interesting.”


Beyond Good & Evil 2 may not be dead. Well, Ubisoft seems to at least remember that it had announced the game at one point.

The company posted the following content on its Facebook page late last week with regard to E3 2013:

“We’re a bit busy prepping for E3. Time to call in some reinforcements. (Points if you remember this classic character!)”

Surely Ubisoft isn’t just messing with us, right…? Beyond Good & Evil 2 has to come back at this point. It’s been waaaaaaay too long since Ubisoft announced the game!


If you were to ask any Nintendo fan about which E3 conference was Nintendo’s worst, most would probably point to E3 2008.

The briefing was completely devoid of announcements for the hardcore audience, and there was very little news in general.

So what was there? From Nintendo, the company announced Animal Crossing: City Folk, Wii Sports Resort, and Wii Music. That’s it.

Arguably the biggest announcement was Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for the DS, but no trailer (or screenshots) was shown.

E3 2008 led to several cringe-worthy moments. Cammie Dunaway made her debut and talked about breaking her wrist snowboarding, while Ravi Drums was banging away on virtual drums like a madman.

At least we got a few memes out of the whole thing!

Before there was Star Fox Adventures, Rare was cooking up Dinosaur Planet for the Nintendo 64. A trailer was prepared for the game back in September 2000, but never released. We do, however, have a few screencaps from the video that you can view in the gallery above.

Source, Via

We typically don’t post this kind of content on NE, but it’s so bizarre that I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t share this with you all:

You heard that right: The greatest fighting-game franchise ever to grace consoles just might be returning, despite being dead for nearly 20 years. Siliconera was doing some digging around and discovered four trademarks for “Shaq Fu” registered by the same folks (“Mine O’Mine”) who registered “Shaqfighter” back in May.

Could this mean the return of Shaq to gaming? Or perhaps we’ll see a 20-year anniversary edition of the game?

Via Siliconera

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