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super mario party jamboree unlockable characters

For those now playing Super Mario Party Jamboree, we’ve got a new guide telling you how to access the unlockable characters.

Super Mario Party Jamboree is available now, and Pauline and Ninji were revealed and advertised for the game well before launch. They’re also the game’s only two unlockables characters, while the rest of the already-confirmed roster is available from the start. At the beginning of Super Mario Party Jamboree, you’ll need to view a long cutscene involving Kamek setting things up. After the lengthy cutscene has completed, you can head into the Hot Air Balloon to easily unlock Pauline and Ninji. Here’s how to unlock both Super Mario Party Jamboree unlockable characters.

all accessories Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

If you’re going for full 100 percent completion in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, one thing you’ll need to do is collect all of the accessories the game has to offer. Though there are technically 28 accessories, it’s only possible to carry 26 of them at once – this is because two of them receive upgrades and become entirely different items. We’ll be listing off every accessory in Echoes of Wisdom, what it does, and which quest you’ll need to complete in order to receive them.

Epic Mickey Rebrushed 100 percent completion

If you’re looking to 100 percent complete the recently-released Epic Mickey: Rebrushed – first, that’s a big challenge, but second, we’ve compiled a list of all the criteria you’ll need to fulfill plus some tips on getting to full completion. You’re definitely in for the long haul with this one – there are well over 200 well-hidden collectibles, and you’ll need to finish at least three separate playthroughs of the game to get them all. Here’s our Epic Mickey: Rebrushed 100 percent completion checklist.

As with all games in the Legend of Zelda series, Echoes of Wisdom has plenty of side content and objectives to fulfill that all count towards 100 percent completion. It’s nowhere near as intensive as Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom’s requirements, making it a decently attainable goal here. We’ve put together a list of all the criteria you’ll need to fulfill in order to count this game as fully complete. While we won’t be spoiling the identity of the final boss, there are minor spoilers within, so only continue if you’re okay with that.

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom all outfits

Today, we’re going over a full list of all outfits in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, plus what each one does and where you can find them all.

Echoes of Wisdom is home to plenty of customization options, including a total of eleven outfits you can change into at any given time. While most of these are cosmetic only, a select few of them give specific bonuses to some of Zelda’s attributes. Most outfits are obtained via side quests, while others are simply given to you during the main story.

Splatoon 3 glitch Grand Festival

Even though Splatoon 3’s Grand Festival event is over, you can still re-access the venue via an amiibo. And if you haven’t quite had your fill of picture-taking, there’s an out-of-bounds glitch that will let you capture photos of the Grand Festival venue from entirely new angles. It may take a few tries, but it’s a fairly easy and harmless glitch with cool photo potential. You can even take pictures next to Acht and DJ Octavio, who appear in the Grand Festival if you’ve finished the Side Order DLC and main story campaign, respectively. Though we don’t normally report on minor glitches, we thought this might be of interest to those of you looking to explore the gargantuan effort the developers put into the Grand Festival venue a bit more.


Zelda Echoes of Wisdom all smoothie recipes list

For those playing Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, we have a complete list of all smoothie recipes in the game. 

The new Switch game takes more than a few cues from Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom – and cooking is one of them. Though you can’t craft fancy meals with tons of ingredients, you can put two ingredients together to make smoothies with a variety of effects. There is a grand total of 69 Echoes of Wisdom smoothies, and making all of them is required for 100 percent completion. Not to mention, they’re just helpful to have on hand in general – you can use them during both normal boss battles and some of the Slumber Dojo missions, making smoothies essential.

Infernape 7 star Tera Raid guide Pokemon Scarlet Violet

The 7 Star Infernape Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now. It continues from now until October 6, and then comes back for a second run from October 11 to October 13. This superboss is running Tera Rock, which gives Infernape extra coverage in addition to its normal Fire and Fighting-type attacks. If you’re looking to take down this opponent, check out our tips and strategies below.

Echoes of Wisdom Automatons Guide

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom’s main mechanic is undeniably the ability to summon echoes, but it contains another more hidden mechanic that comes in useful, too: Automatons. Much like normal echoes, you can summon automatons with your Tri Rod. Unlike echoes, you must wind them up by holding the button near the automaton for a few seconds first. There are only a handful of them compared to the over 100 echoes (we have the full list here), but they each have their own special uses. After clearing up a rift in Hyrule Castle Town, you can find Dampe (the inventor who makes these Automatons) arguing with a crow north of Hyrule Ranch.

zelda echoes of wisdom rupee farming

Today, we’re going over a Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom money farming method that’ll help you earn quick Rupees – and easily.

Rupees are an important aspect of every Zelda game, but there’s a particularly high number of items to buy in Echoes of Wisdom. You’ve got accessories, smoothies, and Great Fairy accessory slot upgrades competing for your money, so we’ve put together a guide on how to quickly and effectively farm infinite money. You can technically just go around looking for treasure chests you haven’t opened yet (as well as completing any side quests you may have missed), but our method works alongside those and can easily be performed on autopilot.

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