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General Nintendo

Britain really loves Sonic, apparently. A few hundred people living in the UK area were polled and asked what their favorite video game character is. And no – Surprisingly, everyone’s favorite plumber did not take the top spot (though he came pretty close.) Instead, Sonic the Hedgehog was the most popular answer.

Full top 10 list below:

1) Sonic the Hedgehog (24 per cent)
2) Super Mario (21 per cent)
3) Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) (16 per cent)
4) Donkey Kong (11 per cent)
5) Pac Man (10 per cent)
6) Link (The Legend of Zelda) (5 per cent)
7) Max Payne (4 per cent)
8 ) Pikachu (Pokemon) (3 per cent)
9) Niko Belic (Grand Theft Auto series) (2 per cent)
10) Blanka (Street Fighter) (1 per cent)

According to G4, E3 will be returning to some of its old ways. The event will be returning to the Los Angeles convention center and will be held in June rather than July. E3 will run, in 2009, from June 2 to June 4. Best of all, as G4 also noted, E3 2009 will “technically be open to the public.” More news is expected to be released in the coming days.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates. October 19th, 2009. The Dubai World Game Expo will take place this year from October 28 to 30, under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority. Held in conjunction with Dubai Character & Licensing Fair, the event is considered to be the largest trade show of its kind in the region. The event will be a platform for showcasing a huge variety of electronic and web games. Various workshops on the latest technologies emerging in this sector will be organized during the three-day exhibition.

Strong Participation from Nokia

Nokia, the world’s leading mobile phone supplier and a leading supplier of mobile and fixed telecom networks will have a strong presence at the Dubai World Game Expo. Nokia the Platinum Sponsor of the Dubai World Game Summit will showcase its latest innovation in mobile gaming and will present a keynote speech by Kay Gruenwoldt, North American Marketing Manager, Nokia Games Publishing “The Future is Mobile”. On this occasion, Kay Gruenwoldt commented, “We are excited to be providing the keynote at this year’s Dubai World Games Expo, where we will be discussing the rich games experiences developers can create on mobile devices. We will also be providing insights into the types of game innovations we expect to see in the future with the technology that the latest mobile devices can deliver.”

It’s been more than a year since Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Retro Studios’ latest Wii project, was released. People have been wondering what Retro has been up to – In fact, the question has been whether the company has been up to anything at all. Good news: It’s more than possible that Retro Studios is actively engaged in some sort of development, and if not, the company probably will be doing so soon. Two job postings have been placed online, as Retro Studios is looking to hire a Senior Engineer and Game Designer II/III. The Senior Engineer job description duties include the obligation to “develop systems and content for Nintendo titles” and being “responsible for the development and integration of game systems and tools.” This information does not necessarily indicate that Retro has a new game in development, but the job description for the Senior Engineer is an encouraging sign for the future. It is clear now that the company isn’t just sitting around and taking time off – Retro definitely has something cooking in the kitchen.

“We’re not making one at the moment, but we will have to see what comes out in the future. We will always try to make LEGO Games that people love, so keep your eyes peeled.” – Luk Cashmore, TT Games representative

I can actually imagine a Harry Potter LEGO video game. There’s already Star Wars and Indiana Jones variations, so why not Harry Potter? Obviously though, it’s not happening, but there more LEGO video games will arrive in the future.


The company started in 2003 as a mobile games developer, creating over 35 titles for mobile phones based on some of the best known brands working with all the major publishers.

At the end of 2007 the company successfully transitioned from mobile gaming to hand held console development and struck a multi-title deal with the publisher Slitherine. The first handheld console title born out of this relationships is due for release in Q1 2009.

Iain McNeil, Slitherine’s director of development, said: “We are very happy to be working with Impressionware on a number of projects. Their background in mobile gaming gives them a unique insight into designing the gameplay and user interface and the technical knowhow to make sure games run well on handheld consoles.”

Have you been moved to tears during game play?

No (53.5 percent)
Yes (46.5 percent)

What game made you cry

1. Final Fantasy X (PS2)
2. Clannad (Xbox 360)
3. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (PSP)
4. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
5. Kanon (PSP)
6. Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
7. AIR (PSP)
8. Dragon Quest V (DS)
9. Final Fantasy VII (PlayStation)
10. Little Busters! (PC)

Please tell us what game you have purchased in the last month.

1. Super Robot Taisen Z (PS2)
2. Quiz Magic Academy DS (DS)
3. Infinite Undiscovery (Xbox 360)
4. Pokémon Platinum (DS)
5. World Destruction (DS)
6. Aquanaut’s Holiday (PS3)
7. Tales of Vesperia (Xbox 360)
8. Cross Edge (PS3)
9. Eternal Sonata (PS3)
10. Knights in the Nightmare (DS)

Please tell us what upcoming game title you are looking forward to.

1. The Last Remnant (Xbox 360)
2. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
3. Chrono Trigger (DS)
4. White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
5. Gundam vs. Gundam (PSP)
6. Star Ocean 4 -The Last Hope- (Xbox 360)
7. Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon (PS2)
8. DISSIDIA Final Fantasy (PSP)
9. Dragon Quest IX (DS)
10. Gundam Musou 2 (PS3)

I’m actually surprised that almost have of the respondents said they cried during a video game. I’ve gotten a bit teary-eyed while playing through a few titles, but I’ve never bawled my eyes out. What about you guys? Have you ever cried while playing a video game?


The latest Nintendo Power issue seems to be making its rounds to mailboxes, and reader Biggity was willing to hook us up with a few details. First, as IGN noted last night, WiiWare title LIT is in this month’s issue. According to the magazine, the game should be completed by year’s end. In next month’s edition, Nintendo plans on having an Ocarina of Time 10th Anniversary blowout. Eiji Aonuma will be interviewed, and as always, I’m sure he Mr. Aonuma will be asked about the next Zelda.

“The thing that I did when I took over last year was to boast the appeal of games themselves…The main premise of the PS3 is video games. That’s the absolutely most important thing that we cannot lose sight of. We cannot allow Nintendo run off alone.” – Kaz Hirai

Obviously Mr. Hirai would say something like this. Sony isn’t going to go around endorsing Nintendo or anything to that extent. Sony still probably believes they can make a big impact this generation.


MIDLOTHIAN, VA – October 14, 2008 – SouthPeak Interactive Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: SOPK; SOPKU; SOPKW; SOPKZ), one of the fastest growing videogame publishers, today announced the acquisition of Austin-based Gamecock Media Group.

Commenting on the acquisition, Melanie Mroz, CEO of SouthPeak, stated, “Gamecock brings us a solid slate of upcoming titles, including Legendary, Mushroom Men and Velvet Assassin and supports our strategy of working with independent developers. We are excited to give the Gamecock titles a bigger platform to succeed.”

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