Capcom has a Bionic Commando secret, will make a splash at TGS
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
“We still have a [censored] ace up our sleeve. It’s an ace, a [censored] ace… At TGS (Tokyo Game Show), the Capcom booth stage is going to make people’s balls pucker up. It’s going to be big.” – Ben Judd, Capcom
This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s Nintendo related, but after the news that Bionic Commando Rearmed won’t be seeing a Wii release (for the foreseeable future, in any case), I’m hoping that the Wii will end up with some sort of Bionic Commando title.
David Jaffe: Miyamoto not as popular as Spielberg due to lack of boxart credit
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Speaking on his blog in an extended post, video game designer David Jaffe vociferously claimed that Shigeru Miyamoto – and even Will Wright – is not as well-known as Steven Spielberg because there is no mention of him on box art, for the games he creates. “…Plus, granted Miyamoto and Wright are not as big of names as Spielberg. BUT THAT IS BECAUSE MIYAMOTO AND WRIGHT DON’T HAVE NAMES ABOVE PRODUCTS and they don’t have ability to negotiate for the sort of press treatment and PR perks that movie folks get (which, in turn, turns them into brand names).
There does seem to be some sense as to the prospects Jaffe discusses. I believe Boom Blox had Spielburg’s name on the front of the box, which may prompt some to buy his game. Now, if Miyamoto began to leave his name all over his games, would they eventually sell better, too? After someone notices that Miyamoto had a hand in…Let’s say, a Metroid game…Wouldn’t he/she be more interested in picking it up after knowing the creator Mario had a big hand in the production of the game?
The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy – The book for the ultimate Zelda fan
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
So, you think you’re nuts over Zelda? Check out the product description for the latest Zelda book:
“With both young and adult gamers as loyal fans, The Legend of Zelda is one of the most beloved video game series ever created. The contributors to this volume consider the following questions and more: What is the nature of the gamer’s connection to Link? Does Link have a will, or do gamers project their wills onto him? How does the gamer experience the game? Do the rules of logic apply in the game world? How is space created and distributed in Hyrule (the fictional land in which the game takes place)? How does time function? Is Zelda art? Can Hyrule be seen as an ideal society? Can the game be enjoyable without winning? The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy not only appeals to Zelda fans and philosophers but also puts video games on the philosophical map as a serious area of study.”
The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy is scheduled for a November 28th release. Generally speaking, I conserve my video game money to buy…video games, rather than merchandise. However, I don’t think I can pass on this book, mainly because I’m a huge Zelda fan.
Top 10 most difficult games
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Capcom: E3 isn’t really for third-parties
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
“For Capcom, we’re pleased with the coverage we’ve received though I think we fared better than some of our competitors. That said, E3 now has become more of a first party battleground than it is a third party event and in that regard I think it still has significant value. Most third parties hold our own events where we made most of our major announcements in a more focused environment.” – Christian Svensson
Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony all have a huge presence at E3, but I don’t think that means it’s a place for third-parties to disregard the event. Then again, E3 might might evaporate in the near future, since the media’s reaction to the event in general was not too encouraging.
Classic Sonic collectable statues coming from First 4 Figures
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
First 4 Figures is proud to present a new collection of models based on the classic Sonic the Hedgehog line, starting off with our 12 inch Sonic the Hedgehog statue.
Sonic the Hedgehog burst onto the scene in 1991 and in super sonic speed went on to become Sega’s mascot. Sonic is full of speed and attitude and spinning abilities that allows him to out-maneuver and stop Dr. Robotnik’s evil plans of world domination.
Our Sonic the Hedgehog statue has been painstakingly recreated from the official artwork from the classic games to bring a perfect representation of “the fastest thing alive”.
Sakurai would think about working on another Smash game
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii | 1 Comment
In a long interview with the ONM, Masahiro Sakuri took a few moments to discuss his involvement in another possible Smash Bros. game.
“It’s interesting, because after every Smash Bros. game I’ve made, I’ve always felt at that time that I’ve left nothing out. However, I also understand that there are millions of fans out there who love the series so if Mr Iwata came to me in a few years time and asked me to make another one, I’d have to give it some serious thought.” – Masahiro Sakurai
Not only is Brawl one of the top rated games on the Wii, but is also one of the best-selling games on the system. None of the games in the Smash Bros. series ever disappoint with Sakurai’s guidance, so it would be best if he somehow had an influential role in the next game.
Random video of the day: Bowser’s Minions
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Sony: PS2 is where the casual gaming is at
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 1 Comment
Talking with MCV, Kaz Hirai of Sony declared, “If we’re talking about the casual gamer, the PS2 is probably the right choice for them. We don’t need the PS3 to feel like the console that will appeal to everyone at this point. We don’t need to have one console try to be everything to everybody just yet.” As much as it pains many Nintendo fans, they will be the first to admit that the Wii and DS have the most casual gaming experiences. The PS2 does possess many titles suited for all types of players, but both Nintendo systems have a slew of games for everyone.
Activision Blizzard merge – Sierra kept games, lost games
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Activision Blizzard – keep
Crash Bandicoot
Ice Age
secret title
Activision Blizzard – losses
50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
World in Conflict
Activision Blizzard – unknown
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
According to a Sierra statement, we shouldn’t have to worry about Ghostbusters. The game is still scheduled to launch this year.