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I’m sure most of you guys know how things go…Someone claims to have surreptitiously taken a snapshot of concept art, video footage, or screenshots. This time around, some guy claims that he was able to snag a quick cellphone shot of Mega Man 9. Sounds crazy, right? The same person also provided some details:

– You can play as Blues.
– The graphics are in the 8-bit sprite style, but not the classic Famicom/NES one.
– It doesn’t have anything to do with the X series.
– Tango is in it, and works just like the Rockman World Game Boy version.
– The game doesn’t support full wide screen YET, but it will.
– It does support 480p.

It seems very surprising that someone would be able to report on the game, but I can’t help but want this all to be true. E3 is just around the corner, however, so I’m positive we’ll hear something about the game then.


“Unless there are specific concerns regarding premature disclosure of a title, we expect this field to be left blank. …While we recognize some publishers have concerns regarding earlier-than-desired ‘announcements’ of product on our website, the ESRB system will not work for consumers if publishers arbitrarily select dates bearing no reasonable relationship to consumer interest in the product.” – ESRB

This is really a shame, as we were able to discover hidden titles through the ESRB. I do understand where companies are coming from though, since the additions of game listings to the ESRB website allow fans to get early insight into games that they probably aren’t ready to reveal. Hey, at least that means that there will be more, unannounced surprises in the future.


“We have two original IPs in development and some neat ideas with an existing IP. Most of that stuff is next-gen, but we’ll see as we move forward what turns into games and/or what goes in different directions.” – Ready At Dawn’s president, Didier Malenfant

Even though Okami is a port, it is still a game that required Ready At Dawn to gain some experience with the Wii hardware. Hopefully the team will have something in store for Wii owners in the future.



“When girls play console games, they have to have gone through a whole other list of things they could have done before sitting down with them. Guys get home, have dinner, and play a computer game. It’s much higher up the list of priorities. To put it bluntly, girls have got better things to do.” – James Scalpello, wireless director of THQ

That’s pretty much as sexist as it can get in the video game industry. I know there are a lot of serious girl games out there…Video games are just as important to females as they are to males, if you ask me.



I have to wonder how long it took to create that cake…It would kill me to have to eat it!



Capcom’s exclusive event, CAPTIVATE08 took place last week. No news from the event was reported, as an embargo was in place. The restriction will be lifted tomorrow, however, at 8 AM EST. Pray for some Nintendo news from the event – Perhaps we’ll hear of Lost Planet or Bionic Commando Wii?!


It’s a slow news day indeed, which is one reason why I’m posting this video. Oh, and the fact that I couldn’t stop laughing the first time I saw it didn’t hurt, either. Just as a note, I’m pretty sure this video is fake.

Yep, there’s a new “Wii Summit” trademark from Nintendo. Could this be the company’s new snowboarding title?

-Wii Summit
-Battle Recorder
-Vitamin Idai Maru Shokuzen

-Bandai Namco

-Mizu no Hômotsu

Square Enix

-Urban Crisis
-Ruriiro Rinne




Gamers play their games for various reasons. Some experience them for fun, some to escape from reality for a short while, and others for brain training. If you’re a male, however, the main reason as to why you play a game might be due to the satisfaction of conquering things – people, territory – you name it. An experiment was conducted in which both males and females were hooked up to wires and were given the task of obtaining territory in a video game. In the end, it was determined that the men “were a lot more motivated to succeed.”

So, why do you game? And do you earn a big sense of achievement from winning?


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