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The new Kingdom Hearts 3D trailer posted by Square Enix earlier today already has an (unofficial) subtitled version – you can find it above. Remember, there are some spoilers in the video!

Nintendo wants you to feel the love today…

Ah, nice to know that North America won’t be left out of the Metal Gear Solid demo fun this week. The download was confirmed for Europe yesterday.

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc., has announced a playable demo version of its eagerly-awaited METAL GEAR SOLID SNAKE EATER 3D for Nintendo 3DS™ will be available as a free download via the Nintendo eShop across North America on February 16th.

With the full version scheduled to be released in North America on February 21st, 2012, the METAL GEAR SOLID SNAKE EATER 3D demo will allow users to experience the immersion of exploring its incredibly detailed jungle setting. The demo showcases the opening segment of the game, with series hero Snake picking a path through the swamps and foliage of a Soviet jungle in search of an imprisoned scientist.

The Mario Tennis Open listing discovered on GameFly’s website last night has disappeared.

Keep in mind that this doesn’t automatically indicate that the site contained reliable information. Perhaps they realized that the release date/title details on the listing were incorrect.

Thanks to Tim for the tip!


Numerous retailers have listed RollerCoaster Tycoon 3D for a March launch. However, Atari is saying that the game is “on hold” even though development appears to be completed.

No word yet on a final release date. Fingers crossed that Atari will publish the game soon.


Square Enix’s GDC 2012 lineup is follows:

Quantum Conundrum
Sleeping Dogs
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (DLC)
Heroes of Ruin

Source: Square Enix PR

The Research & Analysis division of analyst firm Forecasting & Analyzing Digital Entertainment, LLC has provided rough sales estimates of various eShop titles. The company reports that the store produced approximately $11.1 million USD through the store’s releases last year.

You can find a rundown of the best-selling eShop titles of 2011 by gross revenue below.

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Nintendo) – 338,700 Units / $2.3 Million USD
  2. Excitebike (Nintendo) – 481,100 Units / $1.3 Million USD
  3. Super Mario Land (Nintendo) – 230,500 Units / $1.1 Million USD
  4. Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! (Nintendo) – 112,700 Units / $969,000 USD
  5. Pushmo (Nintendo) – 93,300 Units / $634,000 USD
  6. Kirby’s Dream Land (Nintendo) – 84,500 Units / $384,000 USD
  7. Let’s Golf 3D (Gameloft) – 43,200 Units / $356,000 USD
  8. Donkey Kong (Nintendo) – 82,800 Units / $348,000 USD
  9. Xevious (Nintendo) – 47,900 Units / $301,000 USD
  10. Hyu Stone (Poisoft) – 50,300 Units / $293,000 USD

Source: FADE PR

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