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Site updates

Hey folks,

To those of you who have subscribed to the Official Wii Newsie service, I would like to inform you that the email has been changed, as emails were unable to be sent through the Windows Live service.

The new email is:
[email protected]

Please update your Wii console to the new address if you wish to receive emails from the service.


Nintendo Everything is proud to announce a new feature, the Official Wii Newsie. All visitors of Nintendo Everything who posses a Nintendo Wii and a working Wi-Fi Connection will be able to subscribe to a service which delivers the latest Nintendo news, reviews, and previews straight to your Wii console.

The Official Wii Newsie (OWN) was officially started on April 4th of 2007 and has been featured in the Official Nintendo Magazine twice. Also, websites such as Nintencast, Wii-UK, and others have sponsored OWN in the past, but now Nintendo Everything is proud to host this one-of-a-kind service.

OWN is currently allowing 30 people to subscribe. If warm feedback if provided by those who register to this service, OWN will allow more people to subscribe.

We hope that this will become a great feature of Nintendo Everything, and that you all enjoy the ability to receive the latest Nintendo updates directly to your Wii console.

Step-by-step directions to add OWN to your Wii
1) Turn on your Nintendo Wii Console .
2) Go to your Address Book and click “REGISTER”
3) Select Other
4) [email protected]
5) After this, please wait a maximum of up to 3-days to receive a reply. The reply will state whether or not you have been added to the OWN mailing-list along with instructions if you have not been added due to 30 people already being registered.

If you have any questions, please feel free to use our contact form or contact OWN directly at [email protected]

The past few days, you may have noticed that the number of news posts I’ve put up on the site has dwindled. This has been because I’ve been very sick, and just sitting at the computer has been an arduous job. For the most part, I’ve been resting. I’m starting to feel a bit better, so I’ll attempt to post more news. Moreover, I’ll start doing regular updates again shortly.

Anyway, that’s the situation with the site. I thought some of you would be interested to know about what’s been happening.

Over the past month or so, our contact form was down. This was due to a minor glitch in the system. It’s back up now, however, so if you need to contact the guys behind the scenes, feel free to use the contact form. We also accept any news tips that you may have.

Brawl tournament

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 1 Comment

How many of you have been playing your brains out this week, enjoying Super Smash Bros. Brawl? I certainly know I have! In honor of the release of Brawl, I have set up a tournament on our forums. You can read up on all of the details at the link below. To sign-up, just register on the forum and post that you wish to participate in the topic. The prize? A Virtual Console game of your choice.


New design, forums

Posted on 16 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 2 Comments

Hey folks,

Wanted to give you guys an update about a few things. I received the impression that many of you wanted a new design for the website. However, a number of you wanted the old design as well. Well, I’ve managed to come across a compromise. A new design has been put up on the site, but you can change layouts at any time. Personally, I’m enjoying the new design a lot, but the old one isn’t too shabby either. I had hoped to integrate the red color a bit more, though it really wasn’t fitting in with the new design. I hope you like it nonetheless! The theme changer is toward the bottom of the page.

I’d also like to introduce the forums. These forums are new, so I encourage anyone who is interested to join. I do not expect them to grow at an exponential rate or anything, but hopefully in time, it can become a nice, compact community. It will really be up to you – the visitors – to make the forum something special. I do plan on changing it a bit, and making the necessary corrections/additions, but I think it will do for now.

Once again, I encourage anyone who is interested in the forums to join!

Forums link

I’ve been struggling with this decision for quite awhile now. Some readers have reported that the text on the website is too light and in some instances, is difficult to read. With a site redesign, I would aim for more of a Nintendo-look in terms of colors, and of course, I would try to make text easier to read. However, I’ve heard different things from different people. Some want me to change the design of Nintendo Everything, but others want it to remain the same. As you can see, I really need some input from you guys. Please use the poll below, since I would like to make a decision based on the opinions of the readers.


For the past half hour, you may or may not have noticed that NE had a bit of down-time. This was mainly as a result of a server update.

The site usually isn’t down, and if it is, it isn’t for too long. So thanks for bearing with us!

Searching fixed

Posted on 17 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments

I came across an issue where if you clicked on the textbox to perform a search, you would get redirected to our vs. feature. However, this has now been fixed, so please feel free to search to your heart’s content!

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