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The 3DS version of Rayman Origins is done. The thing is, Ubisoft is just sitting on the game, waiting for it to be released.

Rayman Origins 3DS is now scheduled for November 2012.

Regarding the delay, Ubisoft senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key said:

“Rayman 3DS is coming out in November. It will probably be coinciding with the Wii U version. It’s absolutely going to ship. They already made the game.”

It doesn’t sound like Ubisoft will be taking the extra time to improve the game. The delay is simply a matter of promoting Rayman Legends. According to Key, Ubisoft “decided it wasn’t the right window” and “want to better align it with the communication around the next Rayman.”


Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, the semi-sequel to 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, will be available in October. There isn’t a specific date yet, but you can expect the game to be available sometime during that month.


If you missed the 3DS software showcase presentation last night, you can view the entire event in the video above.

Konami has released an extended trailer for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate. The video shows off Alucard and an extra boss. More details will be provided during Gamescom 2012 in August.

The official Time Travelers site received another update today. Level-5 prepared a new batch of content, including images and information. We’ve posted some new details below as well as new screenshots from the game.

– PCE system: Playing Cinema Event
– PCEs are somewhat like mini-games
– When playing through PCEs, you need to press buttons in time with on-screen prompts
– Ex: Yuri Fukase has to practice laughing, press A with good timing to make him laugh
– Ex: Kyugo Shindo has to guide his partner into a sexy post, press buttons to make this happen
– Ex: Soma Kamiya has to battle an armed opponent, press buttons with good timing to prevail
– Kyugo Shindo is a former genius scientist who uses his intellect to cheat people of money
– Shindo will even tell people that he knows the future
– In Yuri’s installment, Mikoto was a girl who wants to kiss Yuri on the rooftop of their school
– In Shindo’s installment, Mikoto is Shindo’s daughter
– Early part of the scenario shows Mikoto as a child, asking her dad why she has no mom
– Shindo gives her the watch her mom left behind
– Date on the watch is April 28, 2031 at 11:00, which is important
– Shindo has borrowed 30 million yen in research funds from Enjiro
– Enjiro is the head of Enjiro Emotion Entertainment
– Shindo and Mikoto are fleeing from Enjiro’s thugs towards Cylinder Lab
– Mikoto ends up falling into the hands of the bad guys
– Shindo will have to come up with the 30 million yen by 17:00, or Mikoto’s life could be in danger

Source 1, Source 2

Art of Balance Touch! Video
Prince of Persia Video
Cat Frenzy Video
Curling Super Championship Video
Nintendo Direct: June 3, 2012

IGN has published a second interview with Takashi Tezuka, this time focusing on New Super Mario Bros. 2.

Tezuka commented on the core differences between the 3DS title and New Super Mario Bros. Wii U, revealed that the Assist Block will be in Bros. 2, discussed the game’s difficulty, and even fielded a question about a return to Super Mario Bros. 2.

Head past the break for all of Tezuka’s comments.

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