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“Specific plans will be unveiled by our local subsidiaries, but in autumn or year-end launch would probably be too late.” – Satoru Iwata

Reggie said North America wouldn’t see the DSi until at least April 2009 and Iwata believes that the system shouldn’t be launched in autumn. Summer starts in June, so perhaps the DSi will be released in May next year. Definitely much later than our friends in Japan, but at least it won’t be arriving in December next year!

Art Style – 6 games, 500 points each

WarioWare mini-games from Made in Wario for the GBA, 200 points each

Train line maps

Utsusu! Made in Wario: Can take a picture of yourself with the DSi camera to use in the game. 500 points, available for launch.

Made in Ore
It’s basically Made in Wario but you make your own minigames. Actually you can make your own music, graphics, pretty much everything, including programming the logic and making your own “game cassette”. This is a package game and connects to…

Asobu! Made in Ore
WiiWare game. You can upload the minigames you made in Made in Ore to your Wii and play them on the big screen with friends.


LTD sales for Wii, DS titles

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 1 Comment

Nintendo DS

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness
Total: 2.54 million
4/2008 ~ 9/2008 Japan: 0
4/2008 ~ 9/2008 Overseas: 2.54 million
Life-to-date Total: 4.12 million

New Super Mario Bros.
Total: 1.73 million
4/2008 ~ 9/2008 Japan: 150,000
4/2008 ~ 9/2008 Overseas: 1.58 million
Life-to-date Total: 15.89 million

Mario Kart DS
Total: 1.67 million
4/2008 ~ 9/2008 Japan: 200,000
4/2008 ~ 9/2008 Overseas: 1.46 million
Life-to-date Total: 12.12 million

An updated release date list provided by Nintendo brings us a couple of interesting tidbits. First, GameCube re-releases, which were never confirmed for a North America, will indeed be made available (Pikmin and Mario Tennis at the very least.) Interestingly, “Hosni no Kirby” is listed as well, which can only mean that there’s a Kirby game for Wii on the way…Right?! Well, we’ll see.

The updated list also shows that Punch-Out should be releasing in the first half of 2009 in North America, and Sin and Punishment 2 is still on track for 2009.

North America, Europe listing

PSP 60,467
Wii 24,292
DS Lite 22,965

Xbox 360 7,844
PS2 6,962
PS3 3,931


Nintendo President Satoru Iwata revealed in a roundtable interview that an early prototype of the DSi featured two software slots. After determining that the prototype was too big, an updated model only featured DS cartridge input. Iwata did not specify what type of slot was removed from the final version of the handheld, though we can only assume that the GBA slot was being referenced.

On an unrelated note, Shigeru Miyamoto was an influential force behind the addition of the SD slot. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m very appreciative of SD card support. It definitely helps to make managing memory easier.


428 video

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

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