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Wii U

Monolith Soft is indeed making a game for Wii U. Satoru Iwata teased the news during a Japanese Nintendo Direct today. No details were shared, but fans of the studio can look forward to a brand new game from the company.

On November 30th, the Wii U will be releasing in Europe alongside:

  • Nintendo Land
  • New Super Mario Bros. U
  • Rayman Legends
  • ZombiU
  • Nano Assault Neo
  • Mass Effect 3: Special Edition
  • Trine 2: Director’s Cut
  • FIFA 13
  • Toki Tori 2

Some games shown at E3, such as Pikmin 3 have been pushed into the “launch window”, which extents into March of next year.

I’ll keep this updated as we learn of more launch titles for the console.

Nintendo TVii announced

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Nintendo TVii was announced during the Wii U New York City press conference today. This allows you to access TV, movies, and sports content in one convenient place. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Tivo are all supported.

Users will be able to watch content on the GamePad or the TV screen. You can find something to watch by looking at what’s on your channels, DVR, or services such as Netflix.

According to Satoru Shibata, the Wii U will be launching around Europe on November 30th. Because of the differences in pricing around Europe, no prices for the consoles were given.

Though the game won’t be included with the console in Japan, Nintendo of Europe’s Satoru Shibata has confirmed that Nintendo Land will be offered for free with the Premium version of the Wii U in Europe. As well as additional storage capacity, a HDMI cable and AC Adaptor, the European version of the Wii U will be bundled with a copy of the game.

The bundle has also been confirmed for the US.

Earlier today, Nintendo revealed Japanese launch information for Wii U. The company has now followed that up with US-specific details.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime announced November 18 launch date for the console.

Just like Japan, two bundles will be available. The Deluxe set ($349.99) offers 32GB of memory, the console, GamePad, AC adapter, HDMI cable, stands, and Nintendo Land. The Basic set ($299.99) is essentially the 8GB console.

One Wii U game “announcement” has made it out before the start of the next three presentations.

Joystiq snapped a photo of a demo unit in New York City showing Call of Duty: Black Ops II. The game will presumably be playable following today’s conference.

I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot about the Wii U version shortly, so look forward to that!


Anyone care to watch three Wii U presentations at once? Then take a look below for links!

1. Watch the US event here.
2. Watch the European event here.
3. Watch the Japanese event here (first and third-party games).

The fun begins in a half hour – 10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT. We’ll try to cover as much as we possibly can. Since three events are scheduled at once though, that makes things extremely difficult.

Here’s another tidbit about the Nintendo Network Premium program – the points you get back won’t be constant. Publishers will decide how many points are handed out with download purchases. In the end, this probably makes sense.


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