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Wii U

Nintendo has gone ahead and confirmed that the Wii U boxarts we’ve been seeing are real. You probably figured that at this point, but it wasn’t until today that the Big N actually confirmed the design.

Here’s what will happen with Nintendo’s own Wii U  boxarts going forward:

“[First party] boxes will appear shortly w/ placeholder logos, and then ultimately with the final artwork for each game.”

So now that the Wii U boxarts are final, what do you think? It’s a change from Wii, but the design is sort of comparable to the GameCube cover.


You may start seeing Wii U marketing material at your local GameStop soon. It seems that stores are starting to receive various items that promote that launch of Nintendo’s upcoming console.

We should point out that the black-colored Wii is highlighted in one of the photos. Might Nintendo actually make this color available at launch?

Source, Via

Putting the North American as well as the European boxart here…

Warner Bros. Interactive has another Wii U title in the pipeline. Announced today, Game Party Champions will be launching before year’s end.

Game Party Champions offers arcade, sports, and party games. Players can use the Wii U GamePad to compete in activities such as ping pong, skill ball, table hockey, and hoop shoot.

There are also three specific modes included: Quick Play, Story Mode and Party Mode. Quick Play allows gamers to get started with a game right away. Story Mode has users competing for the “World Champion” title. Finally, Party Mode sees players taking turns with the GamePad while others use Wii Remotes to disrupt the experience.

You can find a little bit of extra information in the press release below.

Ubisoft has essentially confirmed that the new Wii U boxart images are the real deal., Target, and GameStop have collectively posted images for Assassin’s Creed III, Just Dance 4, Marvel Avengers, and FIFA 13.

When Ubisoft was asked about the boxart, Ubisoft PR rep Michael Beadle responded with the following:

“Why yes, the Wii U box art you sent is legit; in fact, it’s too legit to quit.”

That’s basically a 99% confirmation right there. The only way this couldn’t be completely confirmed is if Beadle was only responding to the art on the boxart rather than the template.

Thanks to Lars Havnes for the tip.


Update: Bumped to the front page with a FIFA 13 boxart from GameStop.

We’ve seen so many Wii U “boxarts” that’s it has become difficult to know what’s reliable and what isn’t. However, the images above may have more credibility compared to past photos. has posted Wii U boxarts for Assassin’s Creed III, Just Dance 4, and Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth. Target has the same boxart up for ACIII.

No, this doesn’t mean that these will turn out to be the final Wii U boxes. We probably won’t know for sure for a couple of months.


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