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Wii U

Wii U – console specs

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Nintendo has sent out a new fact sheet detailing the Wii U’s console specs. You can find it above.

Nintendo just announced a never-before-seen game from the company titled “NintendoLand”. It’s a virtual theme park intended to introduce players to the Wii U.

Details include:

– Mii visits the theme park
– Can change costumes
– 12 different attractions
– 5 playable at E3
– Zelda, Animal Crossing, Luigi’s Mansion, Donkey Kong are some of the attractions
– Uses Miiverse
– 1 Wii U GamePad, 4 Wiimotes
– One attraction: Luigi’s Ghost Mansion
– Ghosts go after players in this game; 5 players at once

NintendoLand launches for Wii U this holiday, alongside the system.

More information soon.

Two more game announcements for Wii U today. Both Wii Fit U and Sing have been announced for the console.

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