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Wii U

Team Meat is working on a new game, and while it’s not coming to the 3DS, perhaps it’ll launch for Nintendo’s new console instead. The studio posted a teaser of their project earlier today without revealing any concrete information. However, they later posted on Twitter that the game is being created for Wii U.

Given Team Meat’s rocky history with Wii, you have to wonder if that tweet was simply a joke. Then again, it’d be fantastic for them to consider Wii U and offer something to fans of the Big N.


Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada is making a 3DS game and is also hoping to bring a new project to Wii U. Wada, who now owrks for Grasshopper, wasn’t ready to share details just yet.

“I’ve got a 3DS game in the pipeline right now, and I’ve got another game that we haven’t decided the platform on, but which I am hoping to bring to Wii U.”

Wada also seems positive about the console as a whole. He compared it to the DS, like many other developers, adding that Wii U contains “a lot of hidden potential”.

“Right now it feels like a home console version DS and I mean that in a good way. I think there is a lot of hidden potential there, so I am right now thinking up new modes of play. I really enjoy times like this!”


Epic Games seems quite serious about Wii U. Unlike the Wii, which they found difficult to support due to the console’s specifications, Nintendo’s upcoming console is on par, if not more powerful than other platforms on the market. As a result, President Mike Capps is very excited about the platform, going as far as to say that “it is going to be a powerful box.”

“We haven’t made an official announcement about that platform. And while we loved the Wii, it just wasn’t a fit to make a game that would go across Xbox 360, PS3 and the Wii. It just wasn’t possible. So going forward, we’re working with those folks and we’re very interested in the Wii U. We find that the best way to support a platform is to be making a game for it and we don’t currently have a game in development for that platform. For example, we don’t officially support Android, although we have demos that work on Android… But we officially support iPhone because we’ve made a game and we know it works. We know how to get through the certification process – we know it cold. That’s sort of important to me; as a game developer who’s selling an engine, I want to make sure that I can ship a game on it myself, which is why we have very clear public support of PS3, Xbox 360, PC and iPhone but not as clear when it comes to Android or Wii U. At the launch event at E3, some of the products that you saw running on Wii U were based on Unreal Engine technology. So that kind of gives you an idea of where we are in that space. You can certainly use our engine on that platform – it’s a natural fit from a technology perspective. It opens up some doors that weren’t open before on current generation consoles because it is going to be a powerful box. I’m sure [Epic VP] Mark Rein would love anyone who’s interested to know how official our support is to get in touch with him!”


Doodle Jump has been made it to one non-on one gaming-specific platform so far. And while fans shouldn’t expect the title to arrive on a Nintendo platform in the immediate future, it’s possible that we’ll see it one day.

Ivor Pušenjak, creator of the game, was recently asked if Doodle Jump could head to Wii U. He responded by saying that there are “no immediate plans, but we’d love to.”

Thanks to Mike G for the tip!


There aren’t a whole lot of concrete Wii U games that we know about. There’s Pikmin 3, a couple of games from Ubisoft, and a few other titles from third-parties.

We can add another project to the list now thanks to an announcement at Comic-Con. Zen Studios has revealed that they’re bringing a pair of Marvel Pinball titles to Nintendo platforms by the end of 2012 – specifically Wii U and 3DS. Both games will launch by the end of 2012.


Eiji Aonuma on the rumor that Skyward Sword may be the longest/deepest Zelda game…

“It’s certainly no rumor what-so-ever. It is definitely a tremendous game- there is so much content that Mr. Miyamoto and I haven’t been able to thoroughly play it all. We’re obviously in the process of doing the refinement, but the fact that we’re still chewing through the content as we go is a testament to the fact that it is a game backed by a tremendous volume of game play and content. When I say volume, its not necessarily just that there’s a big world out there to explore. You come to understand the structures of things in your world, and you’ll see a broadening of a kind of game play that goes on in these structures as you’re playing through. So, that’s one way the game has tremendous volume.”

I might be more confused than ever now. I figured that Nintendo would deliver the typical “we don’t comment on rumors/speculation” line, but a representative has actually provided a statement that doesn’t rule out the possibility of downloadable GameCube games for Wii U.

Here’s the statement:

“To clarify the capabilities of the Wii U system: As correctly stated, Wii U will not play Nintendo GameCube discs. However, Nintendo has not made any announcements regarding downloadable content.”

I could see the Wii U having this functionality. It’s just a bit odd how all of this is unfolding. I’d like to have a concrete answer!


The Wii U will be receiving a separate version of many PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 games in its first year. The game doesn’t have a release date, so, technically, the game could come to Wii U. The question is, is it too late? Insomniac CEO Ted Price hasn’t ruled out the possibility:

“Since we haven’t talked about a release date, I don’t know if it’s too late or not [to bring Overstrike to Wii U as well]. You never know. For now, what we’re talking about though is that Overstrike is going to be out on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. … I was surprised (about Wii U). I wasn’t expecting a handheld controller of that size, and I wasn’t expecting a touch screen, so I think all of us saw a lot of opportunity in terms of how we could use that second screen with an HD screen at the same time. All of our designers and anybody on our team, I think their first thought is, ‘How could we use this to enhance our games in some way?’ Since every game is designed differently, there’s always a different opportunity. I don’t think, one size fits all when youre talking about a controller like that. It’s got to fit the game that you’re making. We continue to be surprised by how people are using Move and Kinect and it’s a nice part of one’s toolbox.”


The trademarks below were actually registered prior to E3. Right now I wouldn’t make too much of them since trademarks are often obtained just for protection purposes.

Wii U + logo

Mii U

Wii Fit U

Wii Sports U

Wii Music U

Wii Party U

Wii Play U

WiiWare U

Wii Balance Board U

Balance Wii Board U

Wii Wheel U

Wii Zapper U

Wii U Fit

Wii U Music

Wii U Party

Wii U Sports

Wii U Play

Wii U Ware

Wii U Balance Board

Balance Wii U Board

Wii U Wheel

Wii U Zapper

Wii Speak U

Wii U Speak

Shield Pose


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