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What better way is there to start a Nintendo conference than with a live Zelda performance? That’s exactly what attendees were treated to in 2011. A full-blown orchestra performed a medley of tunes from the Zelda series, capped off with new footage from Skyward Sword.

A series of Zelda announcements followed: Link’s Awakening 3DS VC release that very day, Four Swords for DSiWare, Skyward Sword’s gold Wiimote, symphony concerts, and music CDs.

The 3DS received the spotlight next. Nintendo unveiled new trailers for Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. Time was also taken to highlight Star Fox 64 3D.

What followed was all Wii U – the system’s name, GamePad reveal, overview trailer, and games. The very mention of Smash Bros. earned a huge reaction.

And who can forget how Nintendo closed its conference? With now-former EA CEO John Riccitiello coming on stage to announce the publisher’s “unprecedented partnership” with Nintendo. Oh how quickly things can change…

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