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There’s no gameplay to be found here, but this is indeed the E3 2013 trailer for Ubisoft’s Watch_Dogs:

If the video goes down, you can find an alternative download here.


Development on “Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii” is complete. Fans have been developing the project for three years, and it can now finally be downloaded so long as you have a Wii, a copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, an SD card with 570MB of space, and a way to transfer files onto an SD card. The download link and more information can be found here.

After Nintendo’s incredibly disappointing E3 2008 conference, the company rebounded somewhat in 2009.

Thankfully, Cammie Dunaway said nothing about smiling or breaking her wrist snowboarding. This was, mostly, all about the games.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii started things off. An on-stage demo was held so that the game could be demonstrated for the first time.

Nintendo followed with Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus.

Time was also taken to highlight RPGs for the Wii and DS – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story localization, and one brand new title: Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.

Nintendo closed out its conference with three big reveals: the Wii Vitality Sensor (which never made it to market), Super Mario Galaxy 2, and the surprising Metroid: Other M.

Overall, not bad at all considering how horrendous E3 2009 was!

Update: Here’s a photo…


I made my way through the first twenty levels in the upcoming Mutant Mudds Deluxe, which means the ghost levels were unlocked. I figured I’d catch some footage of it for you guys, and even though it didn’t really go as smoothly as I had hoped, you can probably glean something from it. I also give my general impressions of the game as we go along, if you’re curious how it stacks up.

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