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99Moves trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DSiWare, Videos | 0 comments

99Moves is the next DSiWare title in the “99” series. 99Bullets and 99Seconds are the two other releases.

But Austin, what am I about to watch!?

You are about to watch myself (Austin), Aysha (das co-host), and Jack (of ‘Here’s a Podcast’) play some New Super Mario Bros. U together while filming the TV with an iPad! It makes it feel like you’re there with us, playing games with your friends, having a grand ol’ time.

I think that’s all you need to know.

The two videos above come from yet another analysis done by Digital Foundry. Be sure to read the New Super Mario Bros. piece here.

Are you an Animal Crossing fan? Have 9.5 hours to spare? Then be sure to check out the video above. It contains almost ten hours of footage from Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Namco Bandai launched a Tank! Tank! Tank! basic pack on the Japanese eShop. The game comes with some content, but you’ll need to purchase a lot of DLC to get the full package.

Take a look at the video above to see how DLC is handled on Wii U. The process may change slightly from game to game, but on the whole, things should be similar.

I get the feeling that most gamers would rather stick with their old NES controllers, but this is an incredible project!

Source, Via

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