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Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker devs on the subtitle, Durarara!! guest characters, and more

Posted on February 11, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Atlus recently published an interview on the game’s Japanese blog with director Shinjiro Takada and art director Akiko Kotoh. Siliconera has now provided a translation.

Takada and Kotoh touched on Record Breaker’s subtitle, Durarara!! guest characters, and more. You can find the full roundup below.

On the Record Breaker subtitle…

“I can’t give you the deeper meaning behind it today. As for subtitles, during the development of part 1, we named it Overclocked when we released it for the 3DS, which I believe gave it a strong sense and a feeling of ‘surpassing its predecessor’.” – Kotoh

“The [Record Breaker] subtitle has some deep roots in the story, so it’s kind of difficult to comment on that…There are actually several meanings behind it, so please check it out for yourselves once you get to play it.” – Takada

On new character Miyako…

“Miyako was actually a character that was decided on during the development of the original version of the game for Nintendo DS, but we decided that she was unnecessary while working out details on the scenario, and decided to omit the character. For that reason, she doesn’t exist during the Septentriones part of the game. However, she’s a character we contemplated, so [her inclusion] began after consulting with the writer on whether she could appear in the Triangulum part.” – Takada

On any aspects they were particularly focused on, or struggled during the development…

– Takada felt that they had most trouble on the Triangulum part
– This is because the characters had all matured while surviving the seven days during the Septentriones part, and he didn’t want that to go to waste
– However, he had trouble figuring out what kind of new drama would take place and how to depict how much they’d grown
– Kotoh’s focus was on the opening movie
– She told the producer who worked on Devil Survivor 2: The Animation that she’d “like to make something like Akira” for the opening
– Many parts were cut from the final version, though she hopes that someday there will be a way to show it all to the fans

On the guest characters from Durarara!!…

“One day, I was there wondering what would it be like if characters from one of my favorite works in Durarara!! were to appear in the world of Devil Survivor. They’re both modern dramas, and both illustrated by [Suzuhito] Yasuda, so the opportunity came from the thought of how they would appear as guests.” – Takada

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