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Fire Emblem: Three Houses introduces Ingrid

Posted on June 19, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Continuing on with today’s character introductions, Nintendo is offering a look at Ingrid.

Here’s her bio:

Blue Lions

Ingrid (CV: Iwami Manaka)

The daughter of Count Galatea and a childhood friend of Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain. Because of her admiration of noble knights and her inherently serious nature, Dimitri says she’s already got a very knightly air to her. However, she forgets herself in the presence of delicious food.

And here’s a video, along with a translation of what’s said:

I’ve been friends with Felix and Sylvain since we were children. Oh, and His Highness, too. Felix and Sylvain are real troublemakers so please, make sure to keep an eye on them. Ever since we were kids, the second I let them out of my sight, they make a real mess of things. Sigh…

Source 1, Source 2

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