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Forever Entertainment teases new remake announcement for 2023

Posted on July 22, 2023 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Forever Entertainment remake 2023 tease

Forever Entertainment is likely to announce a new remake in 2023. That’s according to president / CEO Zbigniew Dębicki, who teased the news in an interview with Famitsu.

Forever Entertainment has released a number of remakes over the years, and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon based on what he shared with the magazine. Dębicki also indicated that we’ll be seeing games in that department that aren’t necessarily limited to Japanese titles.

Our translation can be found below.

There have been a lot of remake projects in Japan recently. Previously, the Fear Effect Reinvented remake was announced, but are the number of non-Japanese remakes also on the rise?

At the moment we are working with IP holders and their teams on continuing to make adjustments to various non-Japanese IP remakes. I think the number of foreign remakes will increase from here, but I’m personally a fan of Japanese games and want to release more and more Japanese remakes.

I’ll look forward to that (laughs). What kind of remakes do you want to work on?

There are really too many titles I want to release, even narrowing it down to just ten would be difficult (laughs). Well, I think even during this year we’ll be able to announce a new remake, so players can look forward to that!

Panzer Dragoon: Remake was the first major release from Forever Entertainment. We’ve also seen new versions of The House of the Dead and Front Mission. We’ll eventually be seeing Front Mission 2: Remake and Front Mission 3: Remake as well, not to mention Fear Effect Reinvented which was mentioned in the interview.

That last one has been a bit of an enigma. Fear Effect Reinvented was first announced back in 2017, but then promptly disappeared. After a trailer was finally published last August, we’ve yet to hear about the project again.

Translation provided by Simon Griffin and SatsumaFS on behalf of Nintendo Everything.

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