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Update: Winners – [Giveaway] Affordable Space Adventures

Posted on May 3, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in Giveaway, Wii U eShop

Our winners are in!

North America: James Parry, Figureguy, Kevin Malone
Europe: Ramsés Cabello, daydream, Leon Fletcher

Congratulations to them! Codes should be sent out tomorrow, so keep an eye on your inbox. More giveaways to come!

We’re kicking off a new giveaway today for Affordable Space Adventures. Wii U owners in both North America and Europe are eligible to participate!

Simply leave a comment below and tell us about the following: if you could only bring one item with you on your Small Craft to Spectaculon, what would it be and why? Six codes are up for grabs (thanks Max Criden!) – three for North America, and three for Europe. We’ll choose a winner next weekend.

In your comment, please be sure to let us know which region you’re entering for. We may not be able to count your submission without this information.

Good luck, everyone!

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