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Hive Jump’s Wii U version still coming along

Posted on May 6, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Graphite Lab’s last update on the Wii U version of Hive Jump was at the end of 2016. The team mentioned that the game would be ready by early next year. We’re almost halfway into 2017, but the Wii U version still isn’t finished.

The good news is that Graphite Lab is still hard at work on finishing up its project for Nintendo’s older console. Right now several issues are being cleared up. Once that’s done, it can hopefully be resubmitted to Nintendo and approved for release.

Graphic Lab shared the following regarding the status of Hive Jump on Wii U:

Back in March we sent out a celebratory note to all of you that we’d submitted to Nintendo of America for certification. Our review took a little longer than expected because of a few issues regarding our developer registration. However, thanks to the awesome work of some folks at Nintendo those issues got resolved quickly and we went into review in early April.

The results from our review were a little bittersweet. We weren’t approved for release. However, the rejection list included only few issues that needed to be corrected to earn approval. We didn’t waste any time. We jumped right on them and began work to get the issues repaired.

To share a few details, one of the corrections related to how our game alerts players when unused controllers are disconnected from the console during play. Since we support a variety of controllers on Wii U we needed to ensure this process was consistent and compliant with the guidelines. We also got flagged for a few issues relating to how we use the Home Button on the GamePad controller. On some screens, using the Home Button would cause the game to crash.

Suffice it to say, these weren’t super-fast fixes but our engineering team worked diligently to get those issues repaired. We’re happy to say we’ve now gotten those critical systems fixed and they’ve been tested internally. HOORAH!… right?

Well, during this testing phase, we’ve uncovered a few more issues that we want to cleaned up before we re-submit. These are important (such as how some UI elements are handled), and while we’ve got the chance, we want to get these issues cleared as well. We’re very hopeful that this re-submission will yield an approval and have us on our way to the eShop!

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