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IronFall Invasion patch in the works, game could get another update this summer

Posted on February 24, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News

VD-Dev is currently working on an IronFall Invasion patch intended to address player feedback. According to co-founder Fernando Velez, it will be possible to “expand the range of speed for movements and camera controls”, and some bugs will be addressed as well. It should be out in around March.

As for what could arrive in the somewhat distant future, Velez said VD-Dev is “hoping to create a more ambitious update.” This will largely be based upon player feedback. IronFall Invasion could potentially see an expanded campaign, or additions to multiplayer. New missions/weapons might also be possible.

Velez told Nintendo Life:

This summer, if the game has found its audience, we are hoping to create a more ambitious update. But the contents of this update will depend a lot on what the players request, for instance on Miiverse. Maybe users request more contents for the campaign, or for multi-player? Maybe they want new missions or new weapons as DLC? We’ll learn more in the coming weeks. We also expect to have a better view of eventual balance issues this spring, once some players have truly mastered the multiplayer. If we rush to fix everything too quickly, we might be caught up in useless changes.


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