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Iwata on Mario Kart 8’s web app

Posted on May 7, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata shared a few words about the planned web app for Mario Kart 8 during the company’s investor briefing earlier today. Read on below for his comments.

To enjoy these features even when you are not playing this game on the console, we are planning to offer a web service called “Mario Kart TV” (temp.), which also enables users to watch videos in a screen layout suitable for systems such as smart devices and computers, around the same time as the release of “Mario Kart 8.”

This is the layout for a smartphone. This web service will enable more people to easily watch Nintendo’s official videos, view rankings, watch videos that their friends have shared and videos of tournaments in which they have participated.

As I mentioned at the Corporate Management Policy Briefing in January, our policy is to establish consumer relationships based on accounts named Nintendo Network IDs, which are abbreviated as NNIDs. This “Mario Kart TV” (temp.) web service is available even for players without NNIDs, but by logging into the service with an NNID, they will be able to easily find their rankings, videos that their friends have shared, videos of tournaments in which they have participated, and it will be convenient to access this service through smart devices even when they are not at home.
We will work on providing this type of service so that players can enjoy video games more and be in contact with them even when they are not in front of a video game system.

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