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July 2016 NPD: 3DS was the best-selling system of the month

Posted on August 12, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U

NPD will be publishing its full report next week. When that’s made available, the top 10 best-selling games in the United States during the month of July will be revealed. Until then though, we have a few random bits of data that have been shared early.

The big thing we’re hearing is that the 3DS was the best-selling overall system. The likes of Pokemon GO and Monster Hunter Generations should have played a big role here. Unfortunately, the Wii U didn’t nearly as well (to be expected at this point) with just 24,900 units sold for a 45.7 percent drop year-over-year.

As for software, the one piece of information we have is that Minecraft was the top-selling game in July. The physical version of Minecraft: Wii U Edition should have factored into that, at least slightly.



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