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[Let’s Talk] Which Nintendo franchise should be revived?

Posted on July 27, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Let's Talk

These days, it feels like anything has a chance of returning. Looking at Nintendo specifically, the company just recently announced Emio: The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club, which is the series’ first new game in three decades. Mario & Luigi is also making a comeback after nearly a decade (again we’re talking new here), and this is after many thought the franchise could be dead since developer AlphaDream shuttered. We’ve seen other examples as well such as Kid Icarus: Uprising on 3DS, which followed Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters on Game Boy way back in 1991.

Nintendo has plenty of series it could return to. There are more obscure names like Ice Climber and StarTropics, but things have even been quiet for others such as Donkey Kong Country (though we’re at least getting Returns HD at the start of next year) and Star Fox.

What are your thoughts here? Is there a certain Nintendo game or franchise you’d like to see return? Let us know in the comments.

Highlights from last week’s topic: What do you expect from Switch in 2025?


We already have DKC Returns, Pokémon Legends Z-A and Metroid Prime 4 confirmed. I believe at least Prime 4 will be cross-gen. Maybe Legends will too. There may be other cross-gen titles for smaller games, but the likes of 3D Mario and Mario Kart will be Switch 2 exclusive. Because of backwards compatibility, we should still get a game or two for the Switch that will play the same on the Switch 2.

On the hardware front, it’ll outsell the DS and the last official PS2 numbers around the turn of the fiscal year, March to May. And between the end of the year and the end of the next fiscal year, it’ll have sold around 162M and outsold even the unofficial PS2 Jim Liar blurted out recently.
Sales should continue, but more slowly and it will eventually reach 165M

Shmuel McConen

Swan song year. I don’t think the Switch can give us more than it already has. Not in a bad way, mind you: The Switch is probably my favorite console of all times, creating some of the best games I’ve played with some true genre defining masterpieces. Now it’s time to do three more things:

1. Give us Metroid Prime 4 and make sure it’s good.
2. Gamecube games on the NSO Expansion Pack.
3. Become the best selling console, overtaking both the DS and the PS2.

It will be well deserved, and well earned.


Im kinda expecting the switch to consistently get smaller scale projects and remasters for like 2 or 3 years into the life of the switch 2. The next warioware or GameCube remaster probably isn’t going to be some groundbreaking next gen showpiece


-Prime 4 and Pokemon Legends Z-A as the last big releases for the console (while also being crossgen).
-A new Kirby Spin-off (was expecting one for this year)
-A remake of an older IP from the DS/wii era (Hotel Dusk in the same vein as Another Code pease!)

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