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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate has a Mega Man crossover, Tetsuya Nomura weapons/armor

Posted on October 11, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Update: Clarification about Nomura’s involvement. An image has now been released, and his weapons/armor aren’t directly tied to Final Fantasy. Still neat in any case!

Capcom hasn’t stopped announcing crossovers for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, believe it or not. Two new ones were announced during a panel at New York Comic-Con today.

First, players will be able to use Mega Man as a Palico. He uses a Rush Hammer and makes the classic Mega Man death sound when he retreats. A special Mega Man Guild Card is planned as well.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate also features a Tetsuya Nomura Collection of weapons and armor. The gear is inspired by Final Fantasy summons, and can be used with the Final Fantasy-inspired Palico.

Source 1, Source 2

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